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Emilias pov:
Sitting here in the garden with my big brother makes me feel like the small girl I used to be. He always was the one I came running to if something was bothering me. Mostly because my parents ignored my existence. So getting held once more in his strong protective arms while his calming voice tells me a story is really comforting. It's amazing how we still fit together like this even though we haven't seen each other for over two hundred of years. It's like nothing has changed between the two of us and I absolutely love it.
„Are you feeling better now?" he asks after he has finished the story minutes ago. Nodding my head against his chest in reply. His chuckles make said chest vibrate and therefore tickle my body pressed against him. So within a few seconds I giggle along with his chuckles.
„There is that amazing sound again!" he tells me with honest eyes.
„What are you talking about?" i ask a bit confused. None the less I am happy that he smiles so softly at me. His eyes still have this puppy like color even though the red nearly overshadows it. But only nearly. Maybe it also is because I know those eyes so well that I can still see his human color? Who knows.
„Your giggles darling! I missed hearing that sound for so incredible long." Demi explains, sounding really sad but also relieved that we finally got each other back in our life's.
„I missed you too." I whisper quietly.
„Eddi really tried to be the best brother there is, so did emmet and jasper, but they still weren't you. Of course they understood. Eddi even explained that he knows that no one will ever be able to replace you, but that he still will be the best brother he could be." I add even quieter. Only now realizing how incredible sweet that was from all of them. And I do love them all like my brothers too, still Demi will always be my number one! They knew that and they accepted it within a heartbeat. Thinking about my family makes me miss them terribly! It's strange to be this far away from the people I have spent the last nearly three hundred years with.
„That was really generous of them. And I have to say that I am very happy that they have been there for you all that time. Especially after seeing all of you guys interact with one another." Demi answers just as quietly.
„Made me feel better to know that even though I wasn't there for you, that you still found a family that loves you dearly and treated you like you deserve." he adds after a heavy sigh. Seeing tears standing in his eyes I simply kiss his cheek lovingly.
„You miss them, don't you?" he asks me sounding rather sad out of the blue. So with an apologetic smile I nod my head in reply.
„They are my family. Of course I miss them." I start and feel him tighten his grip a bit on me, as if he is afraid I might run off to go back to them. So I quickly kiss his cheek again to hopefully sooth his worries.
„But I know that this is where I am supposed to be." I say and his hopeful but confused eyes find mine right away. Softly laying my hand on his cheek to caress it with my thumb softly.
„I am now with the best big brother anyone could ever ask for. And my mates are also here. Of course I will always miss my family back in Forks, but I know it would be way more painful to be away from you and my mates." i end my explanation with a soft smile towards him. The relief i see in his eyes is really blinding. Guess he truly thought i might leave him once again, but that won't happen. Not if there isn't something really bad going to happen.
„That's Good to know. Maybe I can accompany you when you visit them the next time. I really would love to get to know your family better. I after all owe them a lot for taking you in." he says after clearing his throat a little. A wide smile right away plasters on my face! Loving the idea of him getting to know my family for real. Already knowing that they will get along very well together!
„i really love that idea Demi!" I whisper in reply before I cuddle back under his chin. This after all has been and will forever be my absolute favorite hiding spot. After this kind of deep conversation we switch back to talk about everything going on around here as well as joking around a bit. When a throat gets cleared from behind us, the both of us look up right away. Seeing all of my mates standing there rather afraid that I might still be pissed at them. At least that is my guess on why they look the way they do.
„Hey Baby Girl. We thought we come to pick you up again." Alec softly says, sounding rather unsure thought.
„Only if you want to love." Jane adds with teary eyes. Out of all of them she looks the absolute worst.
„Can you please explain to them what we have been talking about earlier?" I ask Demi who quickly nods his head in agreement. It also looks like he knows what I am going to do since he simply kisses my forehead before shooing me towards a distraught Jane.
„It's ok Janie." I softly say and hug her tightly. Her arms hurriedly sling around me to make sure that I really am here and not just a day dream.
„Can we go over there?" I ask her and nod towards the small river thingy going through their whole garden. Instead of answering me, she simply lifts me up in her arms and walks us to where I have pointed.
„Please don't leave us. Don't leave me. Please love! I am begging you!" she sobs brokenly the second we both sit on the ground. Confused on why she would think I would leave them or her of all people is beyond me. So to sooth her worries I pull my arms around her and hold her tightly.
„I won't leave you Janie! I promise I won't leave you!" I promise and I can feel her whole body doubling over as if that sentence just meant the world to her.
„I love you so much!" she says and peppers kisses all over my face.
„Was so worried! So worried love!" she goes on with a few hiccups. Instead of answering her vocally thought, I simply scoot over to sit now on her lap and cuddle my body into her even tighter.
„Not gonna leave you. Love you way to much." I tell her honestly. Slowly she seems to register what I have just told her since her chokes, sobs and hiccups get less by the minute. And when she finally was calm again, well, as calm as you can be after such a panic. She thanks me over and over again for not leaving her behind. Still I don't know why she thinks I would specifically leave her out of all of my mates.
„I was really hurt because I figured you all haven't waited for me like I have for you." I answer her. Guessing she needs to know why I suddenly was this sad and distanced towards all of them. Her eyes widen with understanding before she simply holds me tighter in her arms.
„of course I waited for you! Ever since I got told that there is someone destined for me out there I couldn't wait to finally meet my other half. And I am more than thrilled that we finally met!" she explains and my heart bursts in pure joy. At least she has been waiting for me. That means so incredibly much to me.
„I love you!" I tell her with so much happiness in me that I nearly feel like bursting from it.

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