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Emilias pov:
I don't know how long Seth and I were laying outside together. What I do know thought is that it has started to get darker and darker around me.
„You should get back home Seth. I know you need your sleep and you definitely are hungry!" I tell him with a heavy sigh. Never liking to end this lovely moment but Seth still is human that needs food and sleep. He whines softly but none the less he slowly uncurls himself from me. Once more he nuzzles his huge head into my chest and neck area before he leaves.
„Why Do you think they are really coming?" I ask Carlisle since I have smelled him right next to me after Seth has left.
„Honestly? I don't know. Maybe they really only want to get to know you? They surely will try to get Alice and Edward to join their coven again. Other than that I have no idea!" he states with a small shrug.
„I am sorry Daddy. If I would of right away went with my mates they now wouldn't be coming." I apologize to the only father figure I ever had. He simply kisses my forehead with a small smile.
„You did nothing wrong sweetheart! There is no need to apologize at all!" he states and slowly leads me to the house where everyone else is already waiting for us.
„Beautiful! How was your talk with your friend?" felix asks me with a smile which surprises me quit a lot.
„We explained to them how the two of you are like siblings since they were really furious to see you this close with a wolf." Eddi says with a small wink since he knows how protective I am over Seth.
„You better not even think of touching even a hair on Seth!" I growl darkly. No one is allowed to hurt my family and sure as hell not Seth! He is such a sweetheart!! My mates and Demi look rather shocked but quickly nod their heads in agreement.
„That's more like it!!" i hiss. Turning towards my family i see them all smirking, some try to hide it but fail miserably. No one will ever come between me and Seth! That's a fact!
„Baby Girl? Is it ok if we go out hunting for a little? We haven't fed since a few days and we wouldn't want to cause any trouble for you or your family." alec questions a bit unsure since I was still pretty angry with them. Sighing softly I nod at them.
„That's Alright, just please go and hunt further away." I answer them. After they all hugged me once more, they leave with the promise of coming right back in no time at all.
„Since they are away now. What do you guys really think of them? And no sugar coating please." I ask them wanting to know what their honest opinions are.
„They are very powerful, so that means you are going to be really protected which is really great sweetheart!" esme states with an honest look. Well, at least she is fine with them.
„It's strange since they are Volturi guards." emmet says and gets a punch from Rosalie for speaking rude about my mates.
„It's fine Rosie, I ask for you to be honest." I say with a smile. Rosie always was that cool older sister that you really want to be like! She Alice and esme were really great role models!!
„See! No need to hurt your lovely mate!" emmet says with a pout. Of course I giggle again at their childlike banter. That's how our family was like!
„At first I wasn't happy at all. You know with what had happened in Italy last time. But they really are your mates and they love you very much. Demetri also seems to be over the moon in joy of finally having you back in his live." Eddi says after thinking for a bit.
„Don't you think it's strange that I have three mates?" I ask feeling a bit uneasy to ask that. I really am happy to have three mates but I never ever heard about someone having this many mates!
„I don't think you have three." Alice mutters quietly making us all look at her. She bites her lips, debating if she should or shouldn't say anything more.
„You will find out soon anyway. Just stay open minded!" she says after a heavy sigh. Not really understanding what she means by that. Why do I need to stay open minded?
„You mean she has more than those three?" Carlisle asks with wonder. Sudden recognition flys through his face, Eddi stiffening up next to me. What do they know that I don't.
„Alice, Edward a Word." Carlisle says and they all went into his study room that is sound proof. Whatever they think must be something really unique if I saw Carlisle's face correctly. Maybe that is the reason the three volturi kings are truly coming? A warm sensation once again fills my frigid body and calms me down again.
„Thank you Jasy!" I sigh to my quiet but incredible brother.
„You are more than welcome baby cakes!" was his simple reply.
„Why don't we go and play some board game?" esme asks to get us all out of our heads.
„Ok! But only if Emmet isn't cheating again!" I say with a giggle since he once again goes on a rant on how he never cheated in the first place. We all walk to the living room where we all start to play a few rounds of skippo and uno! And to my joy I won pretty much every round!
„Who is the cheater now!" emmet says mockingly.
„Oh, you got this on yourself!" I Mutter before running after him.
„I am sorry!" he screams while running up and down in our backyard like a maniac. Since I know he will always be quicker i let myself fall to the floor. Wincing a little before whimpering quietly. Hiding my face from his few, so he will come closer to me.
„sweethart? Are you alright? Have you hurt yourself?" he asks me in slight panic that I actually hurt myself. The second he kneels next to me I jump on him.
„Never ever call me a cheater again you cheater!!" I say and start to tickle him. His laughs fill the whole garden and surely boom around the forest as well.
„Stoooop! I am sorry!!!" he begs in between laughter.
„I take it back!" he screams out while trying to take a few unneeded breaths.
„Ok! That's all I wanted to hear!" I say happily and cuddle him.
„You are incredible sweetheart! I really thought you hurt yourself!" he says while picking me up to carry us back in to the others.
Just as we enter, the other three came back downstairs to us as well. All of them look pretty white and frightened. But why?
„Are you Alright?" i ask them.

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