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Demetri's pov:
Watching Jane carrying my beloved sister towards the small river not too far from us makes me smile a little. Those two really are the perfect fit for each other. It's amazing to watch. Especially as her older brother, it simply means the world to me that at least one of her mates appreciates her the way she deserves.
„well, you guys messed up." I tell them with not really contained anger. The memory of my sweet baby sister crying her heart out way to fresh in my mind.
„What did we do that she was this hurt? And why isn't she mad at Jane?" Marcus questions with sad eyes as he looks to where those two girls are now cuddled together. Taking a deep breath, trying to explain to them what distraught my baby sister that much.
„You guys told her how happy you are that she waited for her. And that's when she realized that you haven't been waiting for her at all." I simply state. After all it is a fact that they haven't been waiting for her. They all look rather guilty, well, all except Alec.
„But I did wait for her. I never allowed anyone else close to me at all." he says with desperate eyes to please believe him. Thinking about it, he just like his sister truly never had any affairs or lovers. At least not that I know of. And I don't think he would lie about it right now. So with a Relieved sigh that at least two of Emilias mates did wäre for her. Of course she said that she will forgive them, but she also states that she won't be able to simply forget about it. That's why I am happy that she still has two of her mates that she can fully trust.
„If that's the case, you can go over to your mate and sister. You however should make sure to always be there for her for some time. She said that she won't be able to trust her mates after they replaced her position like that." I voice lowly and that's wenn her other mates break down completely. Obviously finally understanding how terribly they have hurt with their action as well as how they have shattered her trust in them. Alec simply nods at me in a silent promise before he hurries towards the two still cuddling girls.
„Dies she hate us now? I mean, I would understand." Felix asks me completely devastated and broken at the possibility that he has lost his mate now. Sighing once more, for I don't know the how manyest time today.
„No, she doesn't hate you!" I state and see their relived faces.
„my sweet baby sister even said that she will forgive you." I go on. Seeing their faces light up in joy and happiness I quickly shake my head at them to make them understand that I am not finished just yet. Of course they quieter right down with worried eyes.
„as i already explained to alec, she lost the trust in you guys. Which means she won't be with either of you alone." I tell them with a challenging tone. They instead of protesting against it, they simply nod in understanding. Strange, I really thought they are going to yell and fight me on this. Well, technically her since I only state what's she has told me earlier on.
„Since I know you guys for a rather long time, I will give you an advice." I say after a few deep breaths. Like I already told my sweet baby sister, I did the same thing they have done. So I do hope that my mate will have it in their heart to forgive me too. So it's only fair to help them at least a bit.
„Don't fight her on anything. Just go with whatever and if she asks you to leave just do so. She surely is going to test you." I say and see them all listening carefully what I am saying.
„Testing you will most likely include the topic of your former lovers. Just tell her whatever she wants to know, because if she thinks you are lying to her or she finds out a bit later that you weren't truthful she won't trust you ever again." I state matter of factly. Knowing that Emilia always hated people that lie especially to her. They seem slightly unsure about what I have told them.
„Listen, i simply meant well by telling you that. She normally never gives second chances! But since you guys are her mates she gives you one. If you won't take it, than you definitely will lose her. Because I can guarantee you she won't give you a third one." I state matter of factly. They right away flinched at my statement, but I am pretty sure they needed to hear that to realize that if they fuck up again she won't accept another apology.
As if she has sensed that I am finished with her mates said girl slowly comes towards us. Jane and Alec on either side of her. They look kind of on edge, as if they also expect her other mates to try and fight them.
„i am truly sorry that my past thoughtlessness hurt you so much beautiful. I do hope you have it in your heart to accept my apology and forgive me." Felix was the first to apologize truthfully to my sister about his past action. Marcus and Caius quickly follow with their apologies and I do have to say that I am relieved that they understood how much they hurt their mate with their past. Seeing my sister smile softly at them makes me breath a little easier as well as makes me hope that my mate will be able to forgive me too when I finally meet them.
„Jane and Alec said That i can go and feed since I haven't for nearly a week and I slowly get pretty thirsty." she shyly says but i can see the glint in her eyes as if she wants to know how they will react to that. Guess the testing has begun. So with a demonstrative nod towards her three mates, I let them know to remember what I have told them.
„That sounds understandable Princess! Are you going alone or do you want some company?" Marcus asks with a smile on his face. She at first seems surprised at their simple acceptance but than she only shrugs a bit.
„Jane and Alec already offered to accompany me. Maybe you can come along the next time?" she says thoughtfully. Still testing their reaction it seems.
„That sound lovely mon amor! We definitely are looking forward to accompany you the next time!" Caius tells her pretty enthusiastically. So with another shrug from my baby sister she tells them that she will see them later before she runs off to hunt her food.
„I am guessing it wouldn't be smart to go after them." caius asks but honestly states. So with a small chuckle I shake my head at them.
„That Wouldn't do you any good, no!" I answer. Whisking them luck to win back my baby sisters trust once more before running off to the music room.

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