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Emilias pov:
I don't know how long we all have been staying like this. Me cuddled into my protective brothers chest and all of my mates around us, touch some part of my body while whispering over and over how much they love me and that I am everything and more they always hoped for. Slowly, still not one hundred percent sure I am fully ready just yet to let go completely of my security blanket. My fingers carefully and very slowly uncurl from Demi's now totally ruined shirt.
„That's it precious. You are doing so good. I am very proud of you. So proud!" Demi encouragingly whispers. Obviously feeling my grip loosen slightly. My mates don't seem to understand, so they simply stay quiet and watch our interaction. When however my first hand is free and lays openly on Demi's chest they start to join my brothers encouragement.
„Such a brave princess you are." Marcus nearly coos lovingly making me feel all warm inside. So with a bit more certainty I loosen my second hand as well before sighing heavily and lay my hand back on Demi's shoulder to close my eyes. This little act of braveness made me really tired. How is that even possible? Vampires don't get tired.
„Baby Girl, when was the last time you fed?" Alec's soft and worried voice drifts into my ear. Thinking about his questions makes me realize that I haven't feed and a pretty long time. Maybe a week? Guess that's the reason I am this sensitive and tired.
„I will get you some blood mon amor, don't worry, you are going to feel much better afterwards." Caius promises and runs off right afterwards.
„I am sorry." I whisper ashamed for forgetting to feed yet again. At home daddy and Eddi always made sure I feed regularly. They always took me along when any of the got out hunting. I miss them so much! They were my family! They always made sure I am felt loved at all times. We would cuddle at night while watching a movie or we played some board games Esme bought for us. Thinking of them all makes me even sadder, missing them that much more.
„It's ok, we will ask Aro right after you have fed if your family can come visit you or if we can go and see them again. We know you miss them like crazy my love." Jane promises. Turning my head just a little to the side, I am able to look her right in the eyes. Her whole body language showing me that she means it as well as how worried she is for my health.
„Shhh, you are going to be perfectly fine in no time my love. No need for those tears in your pretty eyes." She soothingly adds and steps a bit closer so she can kiss my forehead softly.
„There also is no need to apologize beautiful. We failed you by not realizing that you haven't gone out for a hunt. But from now on we are going to take better care of you. Gonna make sure you never have to feel like that ever again. Love you way to much for that!" Felix says after softly pushing Jane away so he can see my face now too.
„Your mates are right Emilia, your eyes have gotten nearly black. I am sorry too for not reacting sooner. Should of taken you out for a hunt a long time ago! Especially since your other siblings and parents told me to be careful you don't forget to eat often enough." Demi says with so much grief and devastation that it nearly takes my breath away. The thought however that my amazing family even told him to be careful with my food intake makes me smile a little. They are just that great and loving!
„Gonna talk with Eddi later on through the phone, need to make sure I am going to take proper care of you." Demi adds and kisses my head lovingly.
„You do take good care of me. I should be able to at least remember to feed every few days." I say to calm his worry down. The displeased growls make me look at my mates in curiosity. What have I done wrong now?
„You are doing to eat every day princess! I won't accept you getting hungry ever again!" Marcus says stern yet lovingly. Slowly I nod my head at that, still not completely sure how I should feel of that. I surely won't eat every day, I simply can't take that much food!
„Every second day! Her stomach is rather small because of how little food she got as a human. If she eats to much she only will vomit and feel unwell all the time." Demi states matter of factly since I still stay quiet not sure how I should voice my uncertainty of Marcus suggestion.
„Every second day than. Wouldn't want my beautiful mate to feel unwell!" Felix states and kisses my forehead encouragingly. He even winks at me which of course makes me giggle a little much to all of their joy it seems.
„I got a deer. Sorry it took that long mon amor!" Caius says and lays the dead deer in front of me as if presenting it as a gift for me.
„Go on my love! You need to feed!" Jane softly encourages me. Carefully Demi loosens his hold on me to make me stand on my own two feet's. This however makes me hold on even tighter, not ready to leave his side.
„Shh, I am not leaving precious. I only sat you down so you can eat. Gonna stay right here by your side." he whispers and stops in his movement as to not make me panic even more. After thinking about what he said, I nod my head slowly and the second my feet touch the floor I hold onto one of his arms to make sure he won't leave me. The soft smile on his lips make me smile back just a tiny bit.
„Come on, your mate brought you your food,m. You really shouldn't reject his generous offer." he says and makes a hand movement towards the dead deer just a few inches away from me. Slowly my thirst starts to make itself known as I can smell the sweet blood running through the veins of the deer. So after one more look at Demetri I squat down and bite into the neck to suck every last drop out of the deer. At least that was my plan. However as Demi has explained a bit earlier I can drink that much blood at once. When I pull back I can feel how much stronger I already feel.
„Feel better Baby Girl?" alec asks me softly to which I nod with an excited giggle. Finally back to my giggly self again!
„Are you Ready to spend some alone time with your mates or should I stay?" Demetri softly questions. Biting my lip in thought. To be honest I would love for him to stay, but I also know that he surely has other things to do. As if sending my thoughts Demi pulls me closer again.
„I can stay if you want me to?" he says with an honest smile. Peeking towards my mates, feeling how they want me to themselves now.
„It's ok. You can go and spend some time with your friends if you like. But maybe we can meet up a bit later?" I say a bit nervous but also willing to try my luck with my mates. The proud glint in my brothers eyes makes me beam happily in excitement.
„That sounds like an amazing idea precious. If you however need anything just call or send one of your mates to find me. I am always near by!" Demi promises softly and kiss my forehead lovingly.
„And you better treat her like the angel that she is!" he adds threateningly to my mates making me giggle at his overprotectiveness.
„Love you!" i say and Kiss his cheek as bye. He right away answers with a love you too before he closes the door behind himself. And not even a second later I am crushed in the arms of all my mates.

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