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Emilias pov:
„Are you really feeling better baby cakes?" jasper asks me, worry lacing every word. Since they all don't seem to believe me I simply lift my shirt back up to show them that all the cracks have healed back up again.
„What happend!" a panicked looking Edward storms into the room. His eyes wide in fright that he might have lost someone of us.
„Nothing that a little blood couldn't heal up again." I answer him with a soft smile. Not liking him to worry so much for me. Especially not when I am already healed up again!! He sighs out in relief and hugs me tightly into his broad chest.
„I was so worried Emmi! So worried!" he mutters in my ear. He keeps on caressing my back as if he try's to make sure that I really am in his arms again.
„It's ok Eddi. I am fine." I answer him quietly, nuzzling his neck a little like I have been doing ever since they have found me. It is pretty soothing for the both of us!
„Ok!" he sighs yet again, much calmer though then earlier.
„can someone tell me why those four Volturi guards are here?" he asks the others that still stand within this room.
„They came to our aid. More specific to our sweethearts aid." emmet says with a distrustful tone. Why doesn't he trust them? They helped us! Right?
„Ok? Thats kind of strange, but right now I don't care. I am just happy we all survived this attack" edward says with a deep sigh. The door opens yet again, but since I still am cuddled into eddies chest I can't see who had entered. As a throat gets cleared I slowly remove myself from Eddi and turn around. Only to look completely shocked at a duplicate of my long lost and beloved brother. He as well looks at me with wide shocked but none the less hopeful eyes.
„Demi?" I whimper out. Not sure if he really is it, but I needed to ask. Needed to at least try my luck! If that really is my birth brother, I don't want to risk losing him again! My whole existence I thought he was dead or left since he didn't care for me anymore. Never would I of thought that he himself got turned into a vampire!!
„Emilia!" he says my name with so much love. So much desperation that it breaks my heart seeing and hearing him like that. Without another word said, I jump right into his arms. Sobbing against his chest in relieve and so many different emotions that I can't even comprehend what I really am feeling right now.
„You are alive." he says after I don't know how long of simply holding me tightly. I nod in reply, still too emotional to get out a word, let's forget a complete sentence.
„All those years." he says more to himself than anyone else. He always had a habit of talking to himself on times.
„We should give them some time alone." Carlisle softly states and makes everyone leave the room. Now being completely alone with my birth brother I take a few deep but unneeded breaths.
„What happend back than? You just vanished." I ask him with my head hanging down, not ready to look him in the eyes just yet. What if he isn't happy of me being still alive? Maybe he would of preferred it to live alone and without a true family.
„A Vampire bit me on my way home. When the change was over i realized what I had become and fleed. I was afraid that if I would of stayed that I would of hurt you and that was a thought I couldn't allow. My plan was to wait a little longer before turning you as well. But not long after you got missing too." he explains and I can hear his sorrow as he said the last part.
„I thought I lost you!" he whimpers and squeezes me even tighter into himself.
„Wanted to look for you." I say and feel him lifting my head right away after my statement.
„You, you went to find me? On your own?" he questions in complete disbelief.
„Couldn't stand the thought of never seeing you again. So I sneaked our at night in hope of finding you. Instead a vampire bit me and yeah, that leads us to now." I explain with a small shrug at the end.
„I am so sorry you had to go through that because of me. But I am so unbelievable happy to have you back in my life!" he says honestly. His eyes filled with tears. One of his hands caresses my cheek lovingly.
„How did you come to stay with the Cullens?" he asks me interested. Well here goes my hope of hiding my pathetic first weeks of living as a vampire. Should of known that he wants to know the whole story... sighing a little, here goes nothing...
„After the change i was really frightened, so I hid. Far away from anyone! Carlisle and Edward found me, completely exhausted and nearly dead since I haven't drunk a single drop of blood till then. They took me in, proved me with blood to drink and got me back to health. Ever since than I stayed with them and they welcomed me in their family with open arms." I explain slightly afraid he will think of me as pathetic for hiding after my change. Instead he simply pulls me tighter into him, nuzzling my neck to calm me down again.
„I am sorry I wasn't there for you." he says in self loathe.
„From now on I swear I will always be there for you!!" he says in determination.
„That will surely get complicated considering the situation. You are now a volturi, a powerful one since your coat color is pretty dark. And I am now a Cullen. Therefore I am in the coven yours don't like at all." I say with a sad frown. It is the truth thought, our relationship won't stand a chance if our covens are against it. I do think that mine will allow it, they after all simply want me to be happy, but the Volturi only wants to be powerful without a thought how many they may hurt. His face falls a little after my explanation, seemingly knowing that I am right.
„i don't know about your coven, but the volturi wants me happy. Without you I won't be happy, so therefore they won't have a problem with it." he simply states. He seems so sure about it, but how? I always thought the volturi are just power hungry vampires.
„Are you Sure?" i ask just wanting to make sure. Once again my brother nods with a Sure expression. Hmm, Maybe I was wrong after all? A loud commotion was coming from downstairs so we both hurry downstairs only for me to stop in my tracks in shock.

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