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Emilias pov:
The day has come where I need to say good bye to my family and best friend. We all have tears in our eyes, Seth being the only one that has them running down his face.
„I am going to miss you all so much!" I whimper and immediately am engulfed in a group hug from all of them. They keep on telling me how they won't be out of the world, that we can call and Skype. Hell they even promised to come to visit me and my mates also agreed on letting me visit them as well. Still it feels like my heart is breaking for leaving my family after everything they have done for me! After everything we all had gone through together.
„I am afraid it's time mon amor!" caius says with regret. A whimper once again leaves my lips, not ready at all to leave my family! Why did I even agree to go with my mates in the first place? Why can't they move somewhere near by!?
„It's ok sweetheart! You will be fine." Eddi says, softly hugging me into his chest. He was the first apart form Carlisle that i trusted completely. For me he has become my absolute favorite brother! The one I could come to for absolutely everything! He always was there for me even if it was something as simple as a hug.
„I know sweetheart, but I promise you will be fine. And you will always be my favorite baby sister! Nothing can ever change that!" he whispers in my ear for only me to hear. Once again he squeezes me tightly, before kissing my forehead and handing me off to an already waiting Emmet. This goes on till I have said my good bye to everyone except Carlisle. He was the last in line and I seriously don't know how I should tell him how incredible thankful I am for everything he had done for me. So we simply hold onto each other tightly. A choked up sob escapes me a few times and than it was time to leave. Once again I turn around to see my family standing there, all with tears in their eyes but also with encouraging smiles. So with another I love you, I left alongside my mates. To my surprise they all wanted to fly with a plane instead of simply running to Italy. But hey, whatever they may fancy. With one last longing look I turn around, remembering every little detail about this little town in my memory before boarding their privat jet. I only took a few items of clothing along with me since my mates have told me that they have already filled up the whole wardrobe back in Italy for me.
„We are Sorry this is so hard for you Princess. But we want you to know that we will never stop you from visiting your family. We hope that one day you will see us and your new coven just as much as family as your current one." marcus says with a sad face. His eyes show how much it truly hurts him to see me like this, but it had to be done. They have stayed with my family for nearly 6 weeks so it was time they get back to work again. After all they were needed. When the plane had started and finally stabilized a sit myself on marcus lap and cuddle I to him. Needing the contact right now to remind myself on why I am doing this. Why I needed to leave my family.
„It's ok princess. I promise everything will turn out alright." he whispers into my ear and kisses my forehead since that pretty much the only thing he can see from my face. My other mates have also taken seats around us, touching me and softly purring to sooth me.
„You will see, italy isn't as bad as you may be thinking." caius says with a low whine. They all have gotten pretty worried since nothing seems to work in calming or soothing me. Normally Eddi would be holding me extra tight when I get like that. Jasy would be sending waves of calmness into me and the others would simple stay close and touch me to assure me that they still where there. But they aren't here right now and the worst part is that I don't know when I will see them all again.
„It's ok baby girl. When we land we will bring you to our new room and then you can take a relaxing bath before we show you around the castle. Renata also made sure to plant some more of your favorite flowers near our balcony and windows. That way you will see and smell them whenever you open up a window." alec softly explains and slowly his talking calms me a little. They all right away catch on and tell me what we could do after we get to their home. What it is like and who else lives there with them all. They inform me on some of the higher up guards and how they are like. When the pilot says that we have to buckle up again since we were landing Marcus try's and fails to place me back on my seat.
„Nooo!" i whine brokenly, not wanting to let go of my new found security blanket. So without another word he simply pulls me closer into his chest and buckles both of us together. My breathing right away goes back to normal since the fright of being alone vanished again.
„Do you want me to carry you princess?" he softly whispers when we were allowed to leave the plane.
„Why don't I carry her? You have been holding her for the last 17 hours." caius asks with slightly contained jealousy. So after a few seconds of thought I reach for him and he without another word picks me up out of marcus lap. Still not feeling too safe in his arms alone I remember that they all were wearing their coven cape.
„Can I borrow that Janie?" I softly ask her while pointing on her cape. With a wide smile she unclips the hooks and softly drapes it around my small body.
„Now you look like a true Volturi member." aro says with a smile and a proud glint in his eyes.
„M a Cullen though." I whisper out not wanting to officially changing my family's name.
„Of course young one. My apology's, I simply meant to tell you how much it suits you." aro apologizes earnestly much to my surprise. To be honest I thought they all will be seriously pissed when I tell them that I want to stay a Cullen, instead they understood right away and were completely fine with it.
„Hold on tightly mi amor, we will be Running the rest of the way." caius says after kissing my forehead. At that I lift my head with wide eyes.
„But my stuff." I ask suddenly remembering my two small suitcases. The one with the clothes not really important, but the second one is filled with pictures and memories of my family and Seth! If it would get missing I would be really devastated.
„Shh, it's alright beautiful. I and alec are carrying them. It's alright." felix says and I right away sigh out in relief. Feeling better with the knowledge that two of my mates will carry them for me.
„Of we go." aro says and they all run with me still in caius arms.

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