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Emilias pov:
Like my mates have promised me on the plane, they run right away to a room with me. Caius softly releases his hold on me and makes me open up the room instead of them. Stating that since it is our room I should have the honor of opening it. So like the good girl I am, I open the door only to look at it in astonishment. This is going to be my new room? My mates and I's? It's humongous!!!
„The original plan was for our mates to stay in the tower. But since you are mated to all of us, and since we know that you wouldn't like staying up there. We decided to get another room built for us all to stay together." Marcus explains since I still stand outside of the room with wide eyes. When I finally get out of my shock I shake my head a little and take a few careful steps into the room. My mates right behind me.
„This is now my room? Our room?" I ask still shocked at the sheer size!" I ask incredulously. They once again all nod at me, a bit afraid I might not like it.
The bed takes up a whole room! Never ever have I seen such a huge bed! Yes we are six vampires that will stay here together, but we don't even sleep. So the bed only will be in use if, well, if we get intimate together. Once again happy that I lost the ability to blush with my change I turn around to find a few more doors.
„Those six doors are all the wardrobes. We got all of our first letter engraved into the woods. That way everyone knows which wardrobe belongs to whom." Jane explains and points at a door with the letter E engraved. So this must be mine than, right?
„Do you want to look through the clothes we got you baby girl? Maybe even grab something for after your bath?" alec questions me with a soft smile on his lips. Normally I wouldn't of been interested in looking threw the clothes but I do want to know what style they have picked up! Jane opens the door for me before bowing slightly to make me walk in and of course making me giggle at her silliness.
„There is that lovely sound again! We missed your cute giggles my love." she says with an even wider smile and slightly proud of herself for archiving her goal. Quickly kissing her cheek in passing, looking through all those really expensive looking clothes. They have gotten pretty much everything that is out there to buy. Tons of Various dresses in different shapes and colors! There are plenty of formal ones but even more summer dresses which I usually wear. There even are some flowy dresses!! Turning around a little I see blouses and shirts as well as skirts and jeans. With a brow lifted a little I go to a drawer, hoping that they also have gotten some underwear since otherwise I needed to go out to buy some myself. The second my eyes fall on the things in the drawer i slightly wished I had to go out to buy some myself! Those weren't normal BH's those were really sexy once and don't get me started on the knickers! They have barely any material on them!
„Those are the more sexy ones. We also got some for everyday since we heard that that's what you usually wear." marcus says after they have watched me stare in disbelief into the drawer. He softly pulls open the drawer next to the one I opened to show me nice but also comfy looking lingeries. Sighing softly at seeing those I nod in appreciation at my mates. Picking up a soft pink set that has lace around the edges but still isn't over the top. Then I walk back over to the dresses and take the pastel pink one off the rag. Now finally seeing that the trim also has some lace as well as the v-neck. Still it looks rather girly and cute. Turning around towards my mates I see them all looking hungrily at the items I have picked out.
„Did I pick something wrong?" I ask a bit irritated at their stares and feeling a little self conscious. They however quickly shake their head at me.
„No my beautiful, we simply can't wait to see you in those." felix says, slowly pulling me into his arms and kissing my lips softly.
„You are so unbelievable beautiful!" he whispers to my embarrassment.
„Can You show me to the bathroom please?" I ask wanting to change the subject right away. He only nods at me and steals another kiss from me before leading me hand in hand towards the room right next to my wardrobe.
„I hope it is to your liking. After we heard how much you love to take baths we decided to build one especial for you princess." marcus says sounding a little nervous. The others only look rather nervous. Strange! Opening the door I squeal out loudly! This is not a bathtub! That's like a small pool!! There at least have twenty people room in it!! It even has some stairs on the side to get in and out of it since it looks to be way deeper than a normal bathtub!! On the side it has an area that looks to be normally deep. But still at least big enough for eight people! They really are sneaky little shits! But you got to love them! Especially since they got this built only for me! And that even we didn't really know each other back than!
„Thank you!" I say and feel my eyes tearing up at their thoughtfulness.
„Everything for you mi amor! We love you!" caius states with love shining in his eyes.
„I love you too! All of you!" I whisper out and right away get attacked with hugs and kisses.
„We Love you!" they say together, waiting for me to repeat it as well. So who am I to not do as they hope!!
„I love you too!" I say softly. Caius being the closest kisses me first before I get handed into other arms. After a few rounds of very heatedly getting kisses, I pull back completely out of breath.
„I should get into the bathtub or should I call it a pool? Can someone show me how to only fill up the smaller area?" I ask and right away they all hurry me to the tabs and explain to me what does what. They also showed me a cupboard next to the smaller part where a lot of different scented oils and bubbles were standing. Right next to them were some bathrobes and towels.
Kissing them all once more on their lips before shooing them out to get myself ready and into the bathtub. They were pretty reluctant and even slightly whiny but in the end they left. But I do have a feeling that they will be coming back in, so I quickly pick a bath oil and some bubbles with the same scent and fill up the bathtub. Afterwards I undress, of course making sure no one has entered again before doing so. And just like I thought the door gets softly opened the second my body completely sunk into the bathtub.
„They were right princess. You look exquisite surrounded by only water and bubbles." marcus says with a low growl. Which to my embarrassment for me a little excited. So I do hope that the scented bubbles will hide my excitement from him and caius. The second the both of them inhale deeply I know that my hope got crushed.
„You smell so sweet mi amor!" caius says and kisses my sweet spot right under my left ear. The moan that leaves my mate does nothing to cool them back off, quit the opposite to be honest.
„Such an incredible sound you make princess. I wonder if we could get a few more of those. Maybe when i touch you here." marcus growls sexily and without any hesitation grabs one of my nipples in between his finger. The second he squeezes it I moan out again.
„Seems like our love enjoys that quit a bit." caius growls making me shudder in awareness.
„Do you want us to stop princess?" marcus asks me in between his kisses along my neck.
„Or shall we make you feel really really good mi amor?" caius growls, this time softly biting my sweet spot. Careful to not break the skin thought. Of course I moan out even louder than before much to their joy.
„Hmm? What would you like princess? We won't take your innocent don't worry. We won't even get into that bathtub." marcus asks and reassures me that they won't actually have sex with me right away. So I nod, not able to make them stop now, way too excited for whatever they may have in mind.
„Good choice mi amor!" caius growls with satisfaction.
„Lean back, close your eyes and enjoy princess!" marcus instructs and i right away follow. His pleased humm makes me feel really good about myself, like I actually have done something right! A hand slowly wanders down my neck, over one of my boobs and than slowly more southern until a few fingers are right on my most intimate area. Another moans leaves me and my body shudders in excitement and awareness.
„That's it mi amor! Enjoy and let us do all the work." caius whispers in my ear before he hungrily kisses me. One of his hand massaging my boob while marcus intelligence fingers slowly rub my clit making me scream and moan into caius mouth that catches all my sounds without any problem. When a finger enters me I open my eyes in slight panic. They said they wouldn't fuck me! Why would he do that.
„Shh, we only want to make you feel good. Only fingers mi amor, we won't enter you without anything else, only fingers." caius softly explains, kissing my face all over in hope to make me relax again.
„If you want I can stop. I won't go on if you want me to stop princess." marcus promises and that calms me down again. If they really are going to finger me, than I am alright with it. I just don't feel ready to go all the way right now. Also I wouldn't want to simply have two of my mates when I am ready I want all of them. I wouldn't be able to choose!
„Ok. i Trust you." i whisper out before closing my eyes again.
„Thanks princess! We love you so much! Just want to make you feel good. Want to make you feel like you can touch the stars." marcus says and again enters a finger into me. This time though I stay calm and suddenly feel even more tingles wherever they touch me. Caius still kissing and nibbling my mouth and neck, his hands both on my boobs and nipples making me see stars already at the different sensations they make me feel. When Marcus not long after enters another two fingers and at the same time pushes on my clit I scream out in ecstasy. Feeling like I suddenly am flying up in the air, no worry's anywhere. Only calmness, love and warmth around me. When I slowly get my surroundings clear again I see both caius and Marcus chuckling at me.
„Did you fly high princess?" marcus asks me after pecking my lips a few times
„Yeah! Thank you!" I say still a bit floaty and really happy.
„Of Course mi amor! Whenever you want to feel like that, just come to us, we will always make you feel really good whenever you want to." caius says with a promise and a sweet kiss on my lips as well.
„Come here princess, let me help you get out of the water and into a robe. You should rest a little before getting dressed. Your feet surely still feel floaty." marcus says and lifts me out of the bathtub after my nod. Not caring that they now see my complete naked body, after what had just happened it doesn't matter!
„There you go. Such a good girl." caius whispers after helping me into my robe. Softly he knots it in front of me before marcus once again lifts me up and carries me to the bed where my other mates are already waiting.

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