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Emilias pov:
The hours we have spend in this incredible pool has been absolute fantastic. It also was great to see my mates playful side that I haven't seen till now. We even have gotten a bit naughty in there but since this time all of my mates where wit me I didn't panic like last time. And no, we didn't go all the way. They didn't even try to go further. Guess Carlisle has really instructed them on how to be patient with me or they might lose me. That or the talk we had about me getting raped before my change made them think about taking it slowly. Whatever the reason might be, i am very grateful for it. It's not as if I don't ever want to get intim with my mates. I simply need some time to get to know them and get more comfortable with them.
„Can I get you something to wear love?" Jane asks me after wrapping a big towel around me.
„That would be really lovely of you. Something comfy please." I thankfully answer and see her face light up as if I just gave her the best present ever!
„Jane absolutely loves shopping and clothes all together mon amor." Caius says in explanation. Thinking about that information. Maybe I can try to go shopping with her? Not that I like it, but if this really means so much to her I can try. Alice and Rosalie would be really proud of me for sure. They after all know that I don't like shopping at all. That's why they always bought clothes for me while they were out. When Jane reappears she has a cute and really soft looking jumpsuit in her hands. In the other she has one of those comfy undergarments that I love to wear. They aren't sexy, especially not in comparison with what they have bought for me, but I love feeling comfy!
„What do you say? Is that ok or should I get something else?" Jane asks me slightly worried since I have been staying quiet for a bit too long I guess.
„It's perfect! Thank you Jane!" I say and kiss her to show her my gratitude. When I see her beaming face it only makes me even happier. The others whine a bit since they find it unfair that Jane got a kiss while they didn't.
„Well, she helped me into the warm towel and picked my clothes." I tell them much to janes joy and their astonishment. Seeing them all come closer towards me like predators towards their bray.
„Then tell us beautiful, what would you like from us in an exchange of a kiss?" Felix asks me while caging me against the wall and himself. The others right next to him. Waiting for some instructions I guess.
„Don't know." i say thoughtfully. When their faces dumm a little I pull Felix even closer towards me so I am able to whisper something in his ear without anyone overhearing it.
„You could simply kiss me?" I say in question and with a pleased pure he does just that. And a kiss it was, let me tell you. The others even are whistling at us. Giggling happily at his grinning face. If I would of known that kissing him would make him grin this widely I would of told him to do it waaaaay sooner!
„That must have been a hell of a favor you guys agreed on." Alec says with a chuckle but also with a bit of jealousy in his eyes. Giggling yet again I peck Felix lips once more.
„Simply told him that he could kiss me anyway. Love kisses and cuddles." I tell them all slightly embarrassed for sounding so young. When they however all purr lowly I smile softly.
„Never had anyone to kiss before meeting you." i say and peek up at them from under my lashes. Slightly scared about their reaction but than also way to interested what their reaction be like. When I however see them all smiling at me with such love in their eyes I sigh in relief. Just as I was seconds away from getting into my head again I feel myself getting surround by all of them.
„That's Good to hear princess. We are very jealous vampires, so it pleases us immensely that you waited for us to find you." Marcus whispers in my left ear before biting it. A moan right away flys out of my mouth at that. Since I however don't feel like doing anything like this right now I shake my head a bit. They seem to understand right away, since they simply hug me and caress my back while purring lowly. Sighing softly at the feeling of pure bliss right now, that however changes when I start to think that they might haven't waited for me at all. And if they haven't, Should I be mad?
„why are you suddenly frowning so deeply Baby Girl?" Alec asks me softly. Not knowing how to answer that and also ask the question I kind of want to ask them, I instead try to get out of their embrace. At first they seem irritated on why I try to wiggle out, but then they simply let go to give me some space. Biting my lips in thought while looking at my mates before quickly averting my eyes again. To my luck there was a knock on our door just as I was about to ask them if they had any lovers before me. Shaking my head a little at my own stupidity. Running to open the door where to not much surprise Demi was standing with a confused smile on his face when he sees me still wrapped up in a towel.
„I am going to change real quick and then we can go." I say and run back to fetch the clothes Jane got for me and then shut myself into my dressing room. While changing into the very comfy and pretty jumpsuit, my brain still try's to find out if my mates did have someone before me or not. It shouldn't be such a big deal, after all they have been alive for a very long time. But then again, so did I and still waited. With an uncertain face, I open the dressing room and walk towards Demi. Maybe he will be able to help me figure this out. Hopefully he is willing to help me with things like this, otherwise I have to call Eddi and ask for advice.
„Are you Ready?" Demi asks me softly while eying my mates with a glint that I can't seem to pinpoint.
„Love? Did we do something wrong? Or hurt you?" Jane asks me sounding really unsure but right now I can't look at them. It hurts too much to picture them with someone else in their arms. Them kissing and even get intimate together. Maybe they don't even want me if I won't let them have their way with me? No, I don't think that's true. But than again, can I really be sure?
„I will get my sister back to you guys after we spend some time together." Demi reply's since I keep silent as well as my eyes on the floor.
„That is if she wants to." he adds with displeasure towards my mates Before softly intertwining our hands together to lead us away from here.

Demetri's Long lost sister Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora