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Emilias pov:
After Jane, Alec and I got back from the hunt, we walked towards our room with giggles flying out my mouth none stop since those two have made silly jokes the whole time. I nearly even said forget it after the fourth deer has run off since we were that loud. But I can't be mad at them for such a silly thing, especially not if they only try to make me smile again. They even apologized at me that they all made me so sad earlier today, but I quickly told them that they don't have to apologize since they never did anything wrong in the first place. They even tried to explain why my other mates did what they did. When they however told me that Marcus and Caius even were married I was shocked! More than shocked though I was hurt. I mean getting intimate with someone simply because you are lonely is a low blow but kind of understandable. But marriage is a whole other chapter. The two of them tried to change the topic after they realized their mistake but I wanted to know more about it.
After they explained that both of them where married for a few hundred of years my stomach fell even more. They after all must of loved their wife's if they stayed with them for that long. The last straw however was that Caius still is married with his wife that lives up in the tower along with Aros mate. It hurts really much to know that he is married and still leads me on. How could he do that to his wife and me?
„Baby Girl, i am sorry we told you about it. We thought your brother did, otherwise we wouldn't of said a word. Especially not with knowing how hurt you are now." alec says with tearful eyes. Right away realizing why I stopped with my giggles and got back to my depressed self.
„Love? Is there anything we could do?" Jane asks me softly. Those two always have been so sweet and careful with me. That's how a mate should act like! Not hiding their wife from me. I mean what did he tell his wife? Does she even know that he has found me or is he lying to her too? Questions over questions.
„Not really, but thank you Jane. Thank you two for trying to cheer me up the whole time. I really appreciate it!" I reply and kiss both their lips with love. At least I know that I have two mates that really love me.
When I open our bedroom I am shocked to see a very beautiful woman standing there pretty close to Caius. As if they heard me coming Felix and Marcus appear right next to me.
„it's so good to have you back beautiful!" Felix says as he hugs me tightly into himself. And i can feel his relief that I got back and let him hug me again. Instead of kissing my lips thought as he normally always does, he kisses my forehead with a sad smile. Guess he thinks he isn't allowed to kiss me any longer, so I quickly stand myself on my tippy toes to kiss his lips lovingly. His beaming face makes me feel all warm inside and it also makes me forgive him even more. I mean alec even told me that Felix only once had a girlfriend but that he quickly ended it again because he felt like he was cheating on his mate.
„Love you!" i mumble and see his face light up even more.
„I love you too beautiful! So unbelievable much!" he answers with tears in his eyes and pure honesty. Marcus simply caresses my cheek lovingly before he welcomes me back home as well. With a shy smile he pecks my lips with uncertainty but when he sees my smile he sighs in relief and pulls me into a tight hug. Sadly said hug gets rudely interrupted by a loud sneer.
„You seriously left me because of that thing!?" the woman asks in a mocking manner as she looks me up and down with hatred.
„You better think about what you are saying because I won't allow you to disrespect my mate!" Caius growls dangerously. My other mates have taken a few steps closer to me so they can protect me if need should be. Other than that they also growl lowly at the female standing in the middle of the room now. Caius on the other side as we do.
„I am your mate! Not that good for nothing little thing!" she shouts out in pure rage. Her hateful glare quickly find me yet again. Jane however right away pulls me behind herself.
„Don't even think about it!" she growls threateningly.
„And I already warned you to not disrespect MY mate!" Caius says darkly.
„I always told you that you are NOT my mate and that the second I find my everything then we are getting this farce of a marriage canceled!" he tells her with cero apology.
„That's exactly what had happened and therefore you aren't allowed up in the tower any longer and you certainly won't be able to boss around any coven members any longer. You are no longer queen so you either accept being a normal coven member or you leave this coven all together. Your choice!" he goes on without any pain or anything in his voice. He simply states her options without any regret or anything. That's rather cruel, on the other hand I don't know what their plan has been. If it actually was like Caius said, than she knew from the very get go that he will disown her the second he find his true mate, namely me.
„But I am queen!!!! Not this worthless whore!" she yelled out making me flinch away from her hateful tone. Marcus right away pulls me into his chest with a furious growl leaving his throat.
„You better fucking shut up before I forget myself!" he grows at the still fuming woman in the middle.
„How are you talking to your queen!? Caius do something about this!" she asks and instructs my mate. Without another word said Caius walks towards her, grabs her neck and leaves the room. We still can hear her yelling but it slowly quietens until we couldn't hear anything anymore.
„Who was that?" i ask my mates. Of course I have my suspicion but I want to know for sure.
„That was Athenodora, Caius ex wife. He canceled their wedding right after he found out that you are his true mate." Felix answers with a deep frown on his lips. His eyes shine in pity as he looks at me. Instead of going back into my depressed state i simply nod. After everything Jane and Alec have told me already I figured that she is his wife or ex wife.
„We told our love about her on our hunt." Jane softly explains since Felix and Marcus look confused at my cool behavior about this topic. Just as Marcus opened his mouth to say something alec adds that they thought that I already knew from Demi.
„We are deeply sorry you had to see this. Athendora always was a power hungry female, that's why I And Aro tried to talk our brother out of marrying her. But he said that he made a contract with her that she only will be his wife until he finds his true mate. After their marriage she however started to show her true colors to him as well, so he simply offered her a room in the tower and only visited her once a year." marcus explains to my shock.
„I know it sounds cruel but what she did to our coven members should of cost her life, so it was a very generous offer from him back than. But now she more than overstepped his generosity!" he ends with a growl. Still more than furious about her treatment on me.
„Thank you for explaining and for protecting me." I say and kiss his lips thankfully. Then I walk towards the bed to lay on.
„Aren't you coming to cuddle?" I ask my curious watching mates. And As if I said the magic word they quickly lay themselves around me. Sighing heavily at having nearly all of my mates this close.

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