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Emilias pov:
It was kind of nice to spend some alone time with my mates, and i do slowly start to get back to my usual self even with them around. Still I can feel myself get a bit itchy to see Demi again. Not that my mates aren't amazing and sweet and absolutely wonderful. It's just that they try to keep on talking about what had happened while I won't to forget it and not talk about it anymore. They now know my whole backstory, which they to my utter relief accept completely. Something I thought won't happen, but the more excited I am that they in fact still love me the same they did before they got told my past.
„Are you alright Princess? You seem a bit on edge?" Marcus questions me with a small frown on his usually smiling lips. Not liking him to frown, I softly pull his mouth upwards in a smile with my own fingers. Hearing the chuckle from my other mates makes me feel all warm and slightly proud of myself that even Marcus is smiling yet again.
„Are you missing your Brother already beautiful?" Felix asks me with understanding eyes that keep on starring into my eyes like he was looking me right into my soul. Since I don't want to lie to them, I simply nod. Even though I already know that they won't be happy to hear that. To my surprise thought they don't loose their smiles, not even for a second.
„We are happy you feel comfortable enough with us to tell us that you want to have your brother back by your side baby girl." Alec answers my unasked question. Sighing heavily at hearing that. Happy that they aren't upset with me now.
„How about we go to find Demetri? Is that something you would like my love?" Jane asks even though she obviously knows the answer is yes to it already. She after all stood right up with my other mates quickly following her movement to go to see where my big brother is.
„I would love to!" I reply with such a wide smile it's a wonder it isn't splitting my face in two!
„Let's Go then mon amore!" Caius states and grabs my hand to hold with a mischievous smirk on his face. A happy giggle escapes me at the prospective of looking for my brother. Maybe we even meet someone new to me here too? Maybe someone nice that could become a good friend of mine. I am so used to always have my siblings or parents around me, so it's kind of weird for me to not have one here with me. Well, that isn't one of my mates or my brother. Not that I don't love to spend time with them! Quite the opposite to be honest. It would just be nice to maybe have some friends around here.
„Does anyone have an idea where Demetri might be at the moment?" Felix asks the others just as we started walking along the ail in front of our room.
„Technically he should be in the throne room by Aro's side. I suggest that's where we go first." Marcus answers and takes my other hand much to the other three annoyance. At least that's my guess with their whines of how unfair it is that they aren't able to hold my hand now. So with another giggle I skip along with all of them in the hope of finding my beloved brother! As we come close to two humongous double doors that look really old and heavy. The two mean looking guards standing on either side of the door bow respectfully in front of us, before they throw them open for us. So without needing to halt we walk straight into the throne room where Aro sits on the middle throne. When his eyes fall on me he smiles warmly at me. A small hand movement to the side makes Demi step out from the shadow and walk towards me right away. Without a second thought I throw my arms around my brother, feeling like I haven't seen him in ages. Even though I do know that it mostly were a few hours.
„Are you feeling Good Emilia?" he asks me softly as his strong arms pull me even tighter into himself. Inhaling his familiar and soothing scent makes me calm down right away.
„Now i am. Missed you." i whisper slightly embarrassed. After all I am more than certain that all eyes are currently laying on the both of us. The fact that i don't even know all of those gawking vampires also isn't a nice feeling.
„It's so good to see you dear! I already told your brother that he is free to go and spend some time with you." Aros voice Booms towards us from his still sitting Form on the throne. At hearing this piece of news I squeal in delight! Happy that he won't have any problem with me stealing Demi away from his duty's again. So without much thought, I run up towards Aro and hug him.
„Thank you for allowing me to steal my brother away from you again." I thank him and hear a soft purring from his chest area.
„You are very welcome dear." aro whispers softly. Even kissing my forehead lovingly which surprised me, but it also feels really nice. It means that he cares and that he accepted me into his family.
„I do hope the two of you will have a wonderful time together. After all those years you haven't had each other in your life's it's only reasonable that you guys have some catching up to do." he says a bit louder than before. His eyes shining with love but also with sadness. Something I don't understand. Somehow I however know that he wouldn't like it for me to ask him about it in front of all those other vampires, so I simply smiled at him once again in thanks. I however made a mental note to ask him a bit later when we hopefully won't have that much audience around us.
„I will see you guys later. Love you!" I tell my mates and kiss each of their mouths softly. Afterwards I turn around to my brother who was already smiling back at me. His hand held out for me to take and an inviting smile. Waving once more to everyone within the room before Demi and I leave.
„Do you want to go to our garden?" Demi asks me knowingly. I always loved the garden so it was pretty clear that that's where I would prefer to go to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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