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Emilias pov:
The second Demetri opens up the door I squeal out in complete delight! There are so many flowers and some really old looking trees. Somewhere, not too far away has to be a small stream, I at least can hear it flow from where we are standing. Taking a deep breath nearly makes me smile even wider since the sweet taste of all the wonderful flowers is absolutely delicious!
„Knew you are going to like it here!" Demi softly says with twinkling eyes.
„Come on, I want to show you something rather special!" he says and holds out his hand towards me. Without any hesitation I take it and follow him through the garden until we stop in front of a herb garden mixed with berry bushes. In the middle of all this stands a stone bench. My hand automatically go in front of my mouth in complete shock and astonishment. There, right in front of me is a perfect replica of the small garden we had back with our parents. They might not have really cared for me, but Demi always got me some berry bush or a herb plant for my birthday and that's how the garden slowly starts to bloom and give us sweet  Berry's to enjoy during the summer.
„I hope you like it. When I joined the Volturis I was rather devastated since I had lost you. So Master aro told me maybe I should build a small safe heaven for myself. Something that reminds me of the good times with you. That's when I tried to build our old garden here. Whenever I was missing you too much to hold it in or I needed some time to think, I come here. Things always seem to be more clear when I sit here. Remembering how happy we were while we sat for hours in the garden. How we played hide and seek or draw." he quietly says as he makes me sit down on the bench. My eyes burning with the venom that are now replacing my tears that would of run down my face if I would still be human.
„It's just as wonderful and pretty as I remember it to be." I softly say and kiss his cheek in thanks for showing it to me. I also understand how much that small garden must mean to him. It was the best we had as humans, so to see the happy part yet again with my favorite person there was back than. Honestly I don't even know what I should say! My emotions are in a complete overdrive.
„Yeah? I wasn't sure if you would like it as much as I do, however i was hopeful that you do." he says with a shy smile adoring his face. And I am sure that if he would still be human his cheeks would be blushing red right now.
„I never ever allowed anyone here. So you are the first that I brought here, Maybe we can share that garden like we used to?" he asks unsure if I would like that or not. Instead of answering him vocally I throw my arms around his head and hug him tightly.
„Thank you! That means a lot to me Demi!" I thank him in a whisper, still holding onto him tightly. He doesn't seem to care though, the only thing he does is hug me back just as tightly.
„To be honest, I still can't believe that I finally got you back in my arms, in my life really!" he whispers back after we were hugging for at least ten minutes but who cares? I know for sure that I don't! I simply am enjoying it to have my big brother back in my arms.
„I know what you mean. It's like a dream I am constantly afraid of wailing up from." I answer and nuzzle my head against his throat lovingly. A throat gets cleared suddenly not far away from us. When I lift my head I see my mates standing outside of the fenced in garden. My confusion sure must of shown on my face since they seem to loosen up a bit, they have seemed rather stiff when I saw them at first.
„We were looking for you princess. Your brother and you have been gone for nearly four hours which is simply too long for us." Marcus says with a small pout in the end. Seeing demi's shocked face I giggle softly. Guess he has never seen them acting like that at all.
„Sorry Marcus, we were simply catching up and seemed to have lost track of time." I answer him with an apologetic smile. He doesn't seem to be mad at me, which I am really thankful for. The others also only smile lovingly at me which is really good and comforting.
„Why don't you go and spend some more time with your mates Emilia? I am afraid I need to go back to work now anyway and it would make me feel better to know that you are with them." he says and I see the pain in his eyes. Obviously he remembers how the last time he left me to go to his work, he got turned into a vampire and therefore thought he lost me forever. Quickly hugging my beloved brother yet again.
„Don't worry Demi, you won't loose me again." I tell him sincerely and kiss his cheek lovingly again. Needing him to believe me on that! His bright smile makes me believe that he does trust me on that one. Soft lips kiss my forehead before he makes me promise him to be careful and to stay with my mates so they can protect me while he is gone. And like the good sister that I am, I did promise him that. Much to the joy of my mates I might add!!
„Take Good care of my sister! Masters or Friends, i don't care, if anything happens to her I will forget myself and hurt you beyond your wildest beliefs!" he threatens them much to their shock. Of course their faces make my giggle yet again.
„Be careful Emilia!" he says yet again and kisses my forehead another time before he walks off to do whatever his job is.

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