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Emilias pov:
When Jane and I get back to the castle Alec and Felix were already waiting for us down in the garage. Which I did find Strang but also kind of sweet.
„Baby Girl! How was your shopping spree with my sister?" Alec questions right away and kisses my lips softly. Right as I wanted to answer him though Felix took me out of his arms and kissed me as well. Of course loving their show of affection, I simply role with it. On times like this I really am happy I can't blush anymore or otherwise I would be red as a tomato!
„Beautiful? You still with us?" Felix questions with a chuckle since I seemingly went off in my head like I do quit often to be honest.
„I really enjoyed the shopping trip. Had a really amazing time with Jane." I answer with a shy smile on my lips. There awhing of course no help to get reed of my embarrassment.
„Why are you guys waiting down here anyway? Wouldn't it be more comfortable up in our room?" I ask in reply, trying to ignore their chuckles. They instead of answering though start to get out the shopping bags to carry them for me. Definitely won't stop them from doing that! After all we did get a few bags so it's rather helpful to have two more sets of arms here.
„To answer your question beautiful, Marcus told us that you guys went out shopping together as we came back from our hunt. So we decided to wait here to help you carry all of your guys stuff upstairs." Felix reply's after every bag is in the hands of my sweet mates. Smiling at them in thanks and appreciation seems to make them beam rather proudly at me.
„Let's head in upstairs, our sweet mate wants to talk with all of us about something rather important to her." Jane voices and winks my way. So of course I right away understand what she meant with that statement. My other two mates thought watch curiously between Jane and I. The try to get some more information but none of us say anything. Me simply because it's going to be hard enough for me to explain everything once more, after already informing Jane on it. And Jane to be a bit cruel, or better yet slightly naughty, at least that's my guess.
„I will get Marcus and Caius as well while you guys head on towards our room." Jane says and kisses me once more before she ran off to do as just said.
„Can you please tell us baby girl?" alec begs my way. The second he sees my eyes getting slightly teary thought he stops and cuddles me instead.
„I am sorry I asked baby girl. You don't need to tell us. Please don't cry!" he whispers and kisses my forehead repeatedly. Not liking anyone else seeing me like this, I quickly get loose from his tight hold and hurry into our room. To my luck it was already rather close and no one else was on the corridor. Which is good, since I absolutely hate for other people to see my so weak and crying.
„Beautiful? Is everything ok? Did you hurt yourself or did anyone else hurt you?" Felix questions sounding rather panicked I might add. Right after his question I hear two very loud, very dangerous sounding growls, who must have come from Caius and Marcus. Not only did I recognized their growls but they sling their arms around me right afterwards.
„Who hurt our mate?!" Caius growls towards a hurt Jane. Not liking to see my sweet mate like that, especially since she hasn't done anything wrong, I reach my arms out towards her. Wanting to hug her and be close to her again. At first Caius tightens his hold even more on me but after a tiny whimper leaves my throat he lets me go. Jane right away pulls me close and shushes me softly since I am choking up from my crying.
„It's alright love. Everything is perfectly fine." she simply whispers and sways us softly from side to side. It did take her at least another ten minutes until I calmed down enough to be able to breath again. Still it was rather shallow.
„Do you want to tell them about your upbringing and about what you have told me earlier? Or would you prefer it if I explain everything to them?" Jane asks me carefully. My grip instantly tightens in her body which seems to be answer enough for her. A knock on the door however stops any further questions from her.
„Come in." Marcus says and the door gets opened right away. Seeing my incredible and caring brother standing in the doorway makes me smile slightly. He after all is my hero for everything he has done for me as we still where children. His confused eyes run through the room before they stop on my face. Hearing his heavy sigh makes me know that he knows what I am thinking about.
„She told you?" he simply asks and walks towards me. The second he is right next to Jane and therefore me, he softly untangles me from Jane so he can hug me tightly. Just like he has done so often when we grew up together.
„Told us what?" caius wants to know rather sternly. St hearing his harsh tone though, I cuddle myself even closer into my protective brothers chest. He definitely won't allow anyone to hurt me, no matter who might try, that's something I know for sure!
„She told me while we were out shopping. We did figure that we might be able to start some kind of charity for children in the same position she has been in. Or at lest think of how to help any other charity projects." Jane says to which Demi simply nods his head in understanding. Of course my other four mates were still completely in the dark, they also seem to get rather antsy about that fact alone.
„How about you explain everything to them while I accompany my sweet baby sister into the garden?" Demi the absolute best big brother ever asks Jane. It however was clear that he won't allow anyone to disagree with him on this point though.
„Of Course. That does sound rather good." Jane states before the others could disagree with him. So with a relieved sigh, I lay my head on Demi's chest. Honestly, I wasn't too sure if I would be able to even sit through that conversation again.
„See you later my love. Don't worry, I am going to explain everything for you while you spend some time with your brother." Jane says and kisses my forehead. After one quick wave towards my other mates, Demi and I leave so I won't have to hear anything about it anymore.
„So, How about we sit down in our little garden?" Demi asks me in the hope to get my mind on something else. And even thought it doesn't work 100 percent, it does help at least some!

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