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Emilias pov:
The second I step into the garden Demi had built and planted, I can feel myself calm down some more. It's like my whole body and mind knows that here I am safe with my brother close by.
„Better?" Demi asks me with a soft smile on his face. Not ready to vocally answer him now, I simply nod my head and sigh as the stress slowly starts to fall off of me.
„May i ask you why you told Jane about our upbringing?" he asks carefully as we both take a seat on this old bench standing in the middle of our garden.
„If you don't want to talk about it that's fine too." he quickly adds in an ensuring way that he won't hold a grudge against me if I decide to not tell him. Or not talk about our past any longer than I already had today.
„We were out shopping." I start and see him wait patiently to go on further with my explanation.
„Jane found this really stunning dress that she wanted to buy for me, but I knew right away that it was extremely expensive." i whisper slightly ashamed but I also know that Demi would never judge me on anything. His understanding nod only shows me that much.
„I am guessing that with how our supposed parents have been treating you, you felt overwhelmed?" he asks but honestly states since he knows how my brain works.
„Not only That thought." I reply even quieter. And I am certain that if Demi wouldn't be a vampire too, he definitely would not of been able to hear my statement. His understanding face makes me also decide on my own if I do want to explain further on with what I meant with that. And after a few deep breaths I go on.
„There are so many children out there that are still starving and feel abounded by their own parents." I say with a heavy sigh. Feeling horrible for the fact that I now have such a great life while others still have to go through that.
„So I feel absolutely horrible if I buy something expensive. After all I fully know how many children I could actually help with that amount of money. How much food they would have to eat." I go on and I can see the realization as well as understanding run over his facial expressions.
„I know what you mean. It's also very honorable of you to still feel the need to help others in the position that you used to be in." he says and caresses my face lovingly.
„Just shows what a true angel you are." he adds and kisses my forehead with his eyes shining with love. Shrugging my shoulders a little, not feeling like anything he says. I simply think it's my duty to help others, especially since I finally am able to do so. I know how immense grateful I would of been if anyone back than handed me something to eat or even would of said a nice word to me. But sadly that never was the case. I simply only got frowned upon and food was simply never available for me. Not if Demi wouldn't give me some of his own.
„Baby Girl?" Alec's soft voice suddenly flowed through my head. Only after a soft shake from Demi I realize that in fact all of my mates are now standing in front of this peaceful garden.
„Can we maybe talk?" alec asks after I finally looked at him. With an uncertain look towards Demi, I try to find out if I should or shouldn't talk with them at the moment. It's pretty obvious about what they want to talk with me, but I don't think I am ready to get rejected by any of them for being this poor girl that no one cared for. Well, apart from my amazing brother and later on Carlisle, Eddi as well as the rest of my new found family. Demi the incredible brother that he is, simply pulls me into a tight hug to shush me a little since I yet again started to panic. I mean who wouldn't panic!? I don't know if I am going to loose my own mates! What if they really think that they deserve way better than me, after finding out some more about my past? I already love them so much and I don't know if I am going to be able to live after they reject me.
„Princess? Hey please calm down." I hear Marcus calming deep voice as a very large hand starts to caress my back soothingly.
„I am sorry for intruding you lovely garden, but I can't stand to see my sweet princess in such a panic." he adds, surely towards my brother who still is holding my carefully in his strong arms.
„Can you please tell us what made you panic like this princess?" marcus asks back in my direction. Not knowing how to answer that question, especially not without making them run off or hating me for thinking they will reject me.
„She is afraid. Which is completely understandable with what she had to go through." Demi states after he realized that I definitely won't be answering nor get out of my hiding spot under his chin. At least there I feel safe!
„Our parents where rather horrible people, just like everyone else living in the pretty shady little town we used to live in." he goes on after kissing the side of my head lovingly. Trying to reassure me that no matter what he will stay by my side.
„Since we were rather poor we got treated like we are worth nothing. Sadly Emilia even worse than I did simply because she was a girl, which in everyone's minds were useless." he whispers as he holds me even tighter as to show me that he doesn't agree with their views what so ever.
„With that being said, you may now understand a bit better why she is this terrified of how you are going to view her now. You now know that we grew up poor and not wealthy at all. So of course she is afraid of your reactions." Demi ends rather stern. His caresses on my body however stay as soft as they have been this whole time.
„Love, i already told you that I don't care about money. I love you! That is all that matters to me. And I honestly find it incredibly that you now want to help other children out there. It only shows me what a huge heart you have my love!" Jane states and kisses my forehead softly. Feeling safe with her around, she after all reacted so incredibly back in the changing room when I first told her. She truly didn't care about my wealth or lack of it, she simply kissed and hugged me and told me she loves me as well as my believe in helping other children.
„Jane is right Baby Girl! It's inspiring how strong you came out of all of this and now even do your best to help others in a similar position as you were in. And I can't even start to tell you how proud I am of you for it nor how much I love you!" Alec whispers softly. Feeling myself calm down more and more at hearing all those sweet words from my mates. It definitely soothes my worries quit a bit!
„Why don't we sit down together and talk of a way to help any charities out there beautiful? Maybe we can look into some projects around here? This way you as well as we can make sure that they really help children out the way they should. Does that sound alright beautiful?" Felix asks me, sounding rather excited if I might add. His softly whispered I love you also makes my heart melt for this sweet vampire that looks so mean.
„Can I hold you now mon amor? I hate seeing you so distressed without being able to hug you." Caius questions, his arms already stretched out towards me. So after thinking about it for a few seconds, i kiss Demi's cheeks in thanks before reaching towards Caius. Demi's proud smile makes me only smile softly back at him, happy that my brother is proud of me.
„Love you so much Princess!" Marcus says and Peppers kisses all over my face.
„You really aren't mad for getting a poor mate?" I quietly ask them once more. Needing to make absolutely sure before letting myself fall completely into their arms. Their ridiculous sighs make me feel a bit uneasy but when they state that they don't care at all about money I sigh a little. And as they started to inform me on that they simply care for the fact how amazing I am and how much they love me, I am completely hooked!
„I sadly have some duty's to do now, but please call for me if you need me or simply want to talk about anything!" Demi tells me with slightly guilty eyes that he needs to leave me already. So since I hate to see him like that, I softly kiss his cheek and thank him for being such an amazing brother for me. This indeed perks him back up much to my joy!

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