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Demetris pov:
When I left my sweet sister in the hopeful protective arms of her mates, I walk quickly towards the throne room. To be honest I am kind of a bit unsure what Aro will say since I yet again am late for my duty. But what else should I of done otherwise? I simply couldn't leave my baby sister while she was this hurt and devastated. The two guards in front of the throne room quickly open up the doors for me to let me enter. where other than expected, Aro simply smiles understandingly towards me. He doesn't even say a word, he simply lifts his arm towards me to let me know he wants to know what had happened. So after a heavy sigh, I lay my hand in his. Knowing fully well that he is reading everything that had happened between my sisters mates and I. When he pulls back he looks to have a small frown on his lips.
„I am terribly sorry for how you guys got raised and even more for how you got treated. It however only shows just how special your sister and you are to still come out that well. Even more for both of your guys wish to help others in the same position you once were." he says sounding truthful as well as proud if I am not mistaken!
„Maybe you should go and be there for the little sunshine?" he asks me with uncertainty and honest worry for my sister. My head must of risen so fast that it should of been impossible, even for a vampire! Is he really offering me what I think he just did? Is he really giving me this day off to spend with my still unsure sister.
„Don't look at me like that son. I know the most out of all people how much you have been hurting during all those years you have thought you lost your beloved baby sister. So I also understand more than others how much you feel the need to look out for said sister." he says and stands up from his throne with elegance.„Come with me. I need to show you something that might help you understand me and my intentions a bit more." Aro quietly says and walks towards the hidden door where no one other than the three kings and their mates are allowed in. As he sees me stop right before entering the room behind it, he only smiles reassuringly.
„It's alright Demetri." he says and pulls me into the room seconds before the door falls shut behind us. Since he still keeps on walking during some corridors that till to this day have been hidden from me, I have no time to look around though. As he finally stops in front of an old wooden door, he looks at me with a bit of uncertainty. That however leaves his eyes when he sees me watching interested.
„Till to this day I haven't allowed anyone into this room. Not even my own brothers nor my mate." he says and opens up the door. To my utmost shock, there are tons of old looking paintings with Aro and a younger looking girl. Without me even realizing it, I must of walked up to one of the outstanding paintings. Something about this looks so unbelievable familiar, but I can't seem to put a finger on it.
„Thats my younger sister. Arabella." Aro says in explanation and with such sadness that it stings even my heart to hear the nearly breathtaking pain of his loss. Turning my face towards his, it's clear how much pain he is feeling at the moment. His usually beaming red eyes are now rimmed with tears. Only now do I slowly start to realize just why Aro always was so understanding for my pain and the need of space for myself. Why he right away allowed me that secluded space in his beloved garden to make it my own. No one else till to that day has been allowed to even plant a flower or anything without his allowance. So it always made me question why he let me do my own thing there.
„Like I have told you to do back than, I also build a small replica of my sisters and I hiding spot. It's this room as you might of guessed already. It was the room we lived together, studied together and unfortunately, the room our step mother murdered my sweet Arabella." he says with a low hiss in the end. Fully understanding his hatred towards that woman that has stolen him his reason to live, at least back than. Not long ago I myself had this hatred for my supposed parents. Well, to be honest I still hate them! For a very long time I thought they themselves have killed my baby sister, but as I found out now, they haven't. Then again, who lets their fourteen year old daughter out alone at night? At all, especially in the time we have been living in back than! Only because of them my sweet sister got violated and raped by that monster of a vampire! But than, I am more than happy that I now have her back in my life again.
„Why did she do this?" I ask Aro. Wanting as well as needing to know why his step mother did this to his sister. His eyes turn into slits and a low growl leaves his chest. Still I keep waiting for a reply, knowing fully well that the growl wasn't meant for me but for the women that surely died a long time ago.
„Because my darling sister was the most beautiful woman and girl back than. Everyone loved her and complemented her on how gorgeous she looked. That's what built such an immense rage in my step mother that she killed her. Demanding that she deserved all those compliments from the start and that she wasn't going to allow the abomination of my sister to steel all the attention from her." he answers me with glowing eyes in pure rage. Shocking not only him, but also myself, I simply hug Aro softly. If anyone would of said that about my sister I would react just as he is right now. Just as I wanted to pull back again, realizing what I am doing, Aro hugs me back.
„Thank you! I really needed that." he whispers sounding way calmer than earlier. Feeling the need to further on cool the situation down. I go back to look at the beautiful woman smiling widely from the painting with Aro holding said woman lovingly in his arms.
„She surely was a beautiful young woman." I complement him. Seeing his proud smile makes me smile as well. It's incredible to see this normally cruel and stern leader so sweetly smiling while he talks about his sadly dead sister makes me appreciate even more what he has been doing for all of us within the Volturi. He was the one that decided to take me into this coven, he trained me to put me in his guards and he always was there if I needed some advice. I know that not many are able to see behind his stern wall of persona but everyone that is able to do so, know how incredible he really is.
„I know." he says and softly caresses her face on the painting.
„I hope you understand now why I always knew how you were feeling. As well as how unbelievable happy I am that you were able to find your sister again." he adds with a small smile. Nodding my head right away, this little talk opened my eyes even more.
„Thank you for allowing me in on this and if I can do anything to help lessen the pain, please let me know." I say and grab towards the door handle as another thing enters my mind.
„Why don't you spend some time with Emilia and I tomorrow? I know it's not the same as if your sister would be here, but I do hope we could lessen your pain." I ask him and see the pure surprise on his face before a large smile overtakes it.
„That would be really great. Thank you Demetri." he says. So after one more nod towards him in reply, I leave his little hideout to go see how my sister is doing now. Hopefully her mates were able to calm her down and comfort her some more!

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