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Emilias pov:
When the sea of people parts, I can finally see Carlisle again. Sighing in relieve that he looks to be still in one piece.
„I am not that open minded! That has to be a mistake!" Eddi suddenly whisper shouts at Alice who only shrugs her shoulder as if her vision has just come alive.
„That's why I told you to accept it. You only will hurt her otherwise!" she whispers back. I am pretty sure only my family was able to hear that conversation between the two siblings. At least no one else reacted to anything they have just said.
„I am assuming this young girl is the one we came here for." a pretty childlike voice booms making me know that he is definitely in charge here.
„Emilia Sweetheart, come her so i can introduce you to my old friends from the Volturi coven." Carlisle says with an encouraging smile towards me. Sighing a little I stand back up, not before I quickly peek to Eddi that right away nods at me. Knowing that I wanted to confirm that my mind is still safe from anyone around me.
„This is aro volturi. To his right is caius Volturi and last but not least, to his left is marcus Volturi. As I already told you the three of them are soul brothers." Carlisle introduces them while I look at the floor afraid of what will happen next. An ice cold Finger lifts my head a little making me whimper. My mates right away surrounding me. Growling at their masters in displeasure of them making me this uncomfortable.
„Don't worry my dears. I simply wanted to see her face. No harm will come upon her, she is your mate and that alone makes her way to valuable. Hurting her would hurt you. that being said, I really would like to see your face young one." aro instructs. This time however he sounds way less malicious and more welcoming than before. Slowly I lift my head a little so he can see me fully.
„Nice to meet you aro." I quietly say. Not knowing how I should be acting around the supposed kings of our kind. Should I like bow or something?
„It's lovely to meet you as well. Your birth brother has told and showed me a lot of you already. It was really devastating to see him go through his grief." he states matter of factly.
„He also informed me yesterday on the phone that he not only found you but also that you are mated to our three other top guards." he goes on in explanation. I nod yet again, not knowing what else to do.
„If you would allow me?" he says already stretching his hand towards me in expectation. Taking another deep breath, I lay my way smaller one in his. Quickly he pulls his other hand on top and closes his eyes with an excited smile. Only seconds later though he lifts his head again with a confused look.
„I can't see anything! How interesting! Especially since your brother informed me on how Edward could read you." he says with confusion written all over his face. Since my mates slowly growl again at him for still holding my hand he lets it go with a soft chuckle.
„You surely have some jealousy and protective mates young one!" he states making me giggle a little.
„Brother." a strained voice from the side Echos throughout the room. Greedily aro takes his hand before clapping his hands in complete glee.
„Seems like my brothers both have found their true mate as well! How lovely!" he exclaims to my irritation. To whom are they mated? Everyone in this room has already found their mate.
„Hello Princess, it is unbelievable that I finally found you!!" the same raspy voice says. He softly takes my hand in his and kisses the back of it. I look at him in complete confusion. Another mate? But I already have three! Now I have four!? Seriously!!??
„My brother is right mon amor, it's incredible to finally have you in our arms." another voice says from my other side. NO! This can't be right!! No one has five mates!! That has to be a mistake! Eddi is right! This can't be the truth!! Simply impossible!!!
„I assume that comes rather surprising to you princess. We understand. It's unheard of someone having five mates." marcus says before he looks wide eyed to Carlisle who simply nods at him.
„What is going on? Daddy? What are you hiding from me?" I ask pretty frustrated from everything. The calmness after the bath long gone already and not even jaspers soothing waves can help me right now.
„Let's get upstairs. I need to show you something." he states and leads me upstairs. All of my mates follow and aro also follows along.
„Just before I explain sweetheart! Before Alice statement from her vision I had no idea that this is about you. I simply found you and took you into my family since I felt like we all needed each other." Carlisle tells me and I can see the desperation swimming in his eyes to believe him. And after all those years of knowing him, I know that it's the truth!
„I know. It's ok. You will always be my dad. No matter what!" I tell him with a promise in my voice. He looks relieved before he pulls me into a tight hug, once again kissing my forehead like he has done ever since that fateful day he had found me.
„There is that really old book that has pretty much all the information on vampires in it. Also the really rare ones, that of which where thought of fairytales." he slowly starts. His hand opens an ancient looking book that is already laying on his desk. When he found the right page he points to the last chapter. When I slowly read about a vampire that can bear a child I need to hold onto myself to not role my eyes. No wonder he was talking about fairytales! But the next sentence makes me look up at him in complete shock. That can't be true.
The one with the purest heart will be bound to five different souls. If she finds them all, said woman will be able to bear children. This is not a one time exception! As long as all six of them are joined the woman will be able to bear children.
„That's a joke. Right?" I question in complete denial. Even though if this is true, I definitely am not the one with the purest heart! And who says others won't be able to have this many mates!?
„It's not sweetheart. I have read the article hundreds of years ago and thought the same. But now, it makes sense." Carlisle says, soothingly caressing my back. A loud pained howl comes from a short distance and I right away know who it was coming from. Without a thought I jump out of the window and run towards my best friend the quickest I can! My sweet little brother that in my eyes is the one with the purest hearts!! When I see him laying on the ground bloody and with broken bones I see red. Three vampires have surrounded him with smirks plastered on their faces. Not for long, I simply lift my hand in front of me before balling it into a tight fist. All three of them scream out in pain and agony but I don't care. The flames have already surrounded them completely and their screams get louder and louder until they fully vanish.
„Don't worry, I got you! Just stay alive in there!" I tell Seth in fright. Softly and as careful as I possibly could I pick his naked body up. Running as quick as I possibly can back to the house. The second Carlisle sees me he directs me to the operation room he has arranged for situations like that.
„There were three vampires. He was alone." I whimper out. Holding Seth's hand in mine with wet eyes in sheer panic that I might lose my best friend!
„Call sam!" Carlisle says to someone behind me.
„Don't close your eyes Seth! Stay with me, please stay with me." I beg him since they try to fall shut every other second.
„His bones have already started to heal in the wrong places. I need to re-break them." Carlisle says in apology before doing just as he said. I see Seth's eyes widen before they shut themselves completely.
„What can I do?" I ask, wanting to help! Needing to help!
„Right now you can't do anything other than holding his hands. Maybe add something cooling to his body since he has burned up even more than regular." Carlisle says and I get right to picking up some ice water and a cloth to cool him the best I can. Carlisle in the mean time has put a thin blanket over his lower region.
„Please wake up Seth! Please, I am begging you!!" I whimper out. Kissing his forehead and his knuckles since I still kept a tight hold onto his hand.

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