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Emilias pov:
The second my body touches the soft mattress my other three mates cuddle me from all sides. And suddenly I feel like I have been cheating on them. They were patiently waiting outside for me to finish my calming bath and instead of being thankful for their patient I let two of my mates pleasure me.
„I am sorry!" I whimper out. My eyes burning with tears that I will never be able to shed.
„What are you talking about baby girl?" alec questions confused and worried. Why is he worried? He should be mad! Should be scolding and jelling at me. My dark thoughts make me whimper even more and louder. I am such a slut! Having five mates is a blessing and I am screwing it up within a few months.
„My love? Please tell us what's going on? We are really worried!" Jane nearly begs me. They are all too good for me! I don't deserve either of them! How could I?
„I am sorry!" I choke out. My body shaking with my chokes and whines. All of my mates try to talk to me but their voices only combine into far away murmurs. And then I feel something getting pressed onto my head, something hard but something familiar.
„It's ok sweetheart. Deep breaths!" I hear daddy's soothing voice. Another heartfelt whine escapes me and I can hear my family talking worriedly before Eddi said he will try something.
„Ok, Emmi! What happened that makes you so sorry?" he asks me in a slightly strained voice. Clearly he as well as the rest of my family were worried for my wellbeing. But I don't deserve anyone's worry! I am a monster! There is no other explanation on how I could cheat on my mates. They had been so lovely and understanding but I Of course had to screw it up.
„Hey! Emmi you did nothing wrong. They are all your mates, that means you can't cheat on them with your other mates." Eddi soothingly tells me. He sounded also really relieved that this was what I am so worried about.
„But, but!" I try to explain that it still was cheating on them but of course I am not able to say that out loud.
„No buts Emmi, believe me! All five of them are mates so you can't cheat on them with your other mates. You all are in a relationship now! therefore you always will spend some alone time with each of them at times." he explains and I do have to say that this sounds kind of logic. Still I feel dirty for doing stuff with two mates while the other three where in another room.
„Sweetheart, your brother is right! You can't cheat on one mate with your other one. That's simply impossible!" daddy says soothingly. And since I know that daddy knows pretty much everything, I slowly start to believe them.
„They won't hate you for it Emmi! I am sure they will have a small debate with each other but definitely not with you. You are the innocent part in this, even if you don't realize that." Eddi says now back on the phone it seems. I don't understand though! How can I be the innocent part? I could of stopped them! Should have stopped them.
„No Emmi! You are allowed to do so and I am sure it would of hurt the two of them if you had declined." he sternly explains. Slowly nodding my head, still confused but I guess my family is right. I trust them to tell me the truth and to not sugar coat it.
„Beautiful? What are you and your family talking about?" felix questions with furrowed brows. He seems mad. Really mad and he is looking at me, so he is really mad with me. Slightly afraid of him or the others to hurt me I scoot the farthest away from them as possible. By doing that I completely forget the phone that had been pressed to my ear, so it now lays in front of my mates and far away from me. I can hear Eddi screaming my name into the phone but I am way to afraid to scoot closer to my still glaring mates.
„Edward, what is going on? What where you talking about?" I hear alec question my brother who still try's to talk to me again. Instead of concentrating on their conversation I think of a way out of here. Away from my mates that obviously hate me now and want to get reed of me now. Maybe they won't even try to stop me from leaving? The windows should be the quickest and easiest way out of here. They are sitting closer towards the door, so that way won't work.
„Princess? Please look at us!" marcus begs but I can't. I know if I will look up they will be looking at me as if I am the most disgusting thing they have ever seen.
„Beautiful, it's ok! I promise we aren't mad at you. Why should we? We all are your mates, you haven't cheated in any way or form on us." felix says. A soft finger slowly lifts my head so I am now looking straight into janes deep red eyes.
„My love, we aren't mad. Your brother and father told us what is going on in that beautiful head of yours. Nothing you have done was cheating. We all are your mates, no cheating in wolfed if you do something with your mates." she says while softly holding my cheek in her right hand.
„But you all were glaring at me! I saw it! I am sorry! Please don't hate me!" I say in between whimpers. Jane looks shocked at me before her eyes well up with tears as well. She quickly pulls me into a tight hug, one of her arms caressing my back while the other one holds tightly on my hip.
„We will never hate you my love! We love you more than anything!!" she whispers into my ear. I slightly stiffen up at hearing that. Is she telling the truth? Or is that a trick to make me relax before they attack?
„I am sorry that my brother and I's Action made you feel like that. We only wanted to spend time with you and make you feel good. But we understand now that we only hurt you by doing so. I am really sorry princess and I hope you can forgive me!" Marcus says sadly. Still confused and not really understanding if they mean it or not I bite my lip in thought.
„Baby Girl? Don't you trust us anymore?" alec questions me slightly hesitant. My other mates whine at hearing his suspicion, still Jane keeps on hugging me. She even tightened her hold on me at hearing her brother.
„I don't know if you mean it. What if you are only playing me? This is all so new and complicated." I whisper in answer. Feeling like a complete failure for not even trusting my mates.
„I, i think i should leave." I say to myself and nodding along. That's the only right thing to do right now.
„No my love! You should stay with us! We can talk about what had happened. It's nothing to be ashamed off and nothing we would be mad at." Jane states softly while the others scream no quit panicked.
„Really?" I ask her slightly surprised but starting to really trust her. She hasn't glared, not at me but at caius and Marcus. Jane also comforted me and was really caring. Even now while the others panic she simply cuddles me and speaks with such a calming voice.
„Of course my love! Let's sit down and talk. Ok?" Jane asks and softly makes me sit on her lap.
„Jane is right beautiful, Let's talk and you will de That everything is Alright!" felix says and all of them sit around Jane and I. Well, this surely is going to become interesting.

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