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Emilias pov:
As comfortable as it is laying here with my mates, i still am curious where caius might have run off to. Did he choose his wife? Was that what had happened here? But he wasn't really looking happy about her behavior. Ugh! Why can't this mates thing be as easy as I thought!? Just then the door opened quietly.
„I am so very sorry for how she acted and even more for ever marrying her. It was a mistake from the very start." Caius apologizes with a hanging head. Slowly I crawl over Jane and Felix body to come closer towards him.
„It's ok." i say and hug him softly. Not wanting to see him like this. He normally only is this tough and strong vampire. I mean of course he can also be really sweet and caring but the most people only ever see his gruff side. But this unsure and pained bowing Caius is one I don't like at all.
„I am sorry mon amor. I never meant to hurt you at all. Never would I Of thought that this dumb marriage would cost me my only chance of happiness." he whimpers out and falls to his knees in complete devastation. Shocked at what he just said, I need a second to understand what he meant with it. Does he really think that I will reject him because he was married? That's nonsense! Of course it did hurt like hell and still does, but I understand that this was before we even met.
„Don't say things like that Caius. I am here. See?" I softly reply and hug him as tight as I possibly can.
„I won't leave you! I love you way too much for that!" I say to hopefully reassure him. He simply throws his strong arms around me and cry's into my neck.
„I was really worried that you would leave me for your wife." I whisper ashamed and still slightly afraid of that. His head quickly went up, that not even I with my vampire eyes was able to see it, that's just how fast he was.
„I would never!" he promises with such honesty in his eyes that it melts my heart.
„You are my everything!" he states with no room of argument.
„Athendora was someone that kept the loneliness at bay, but I never loved her. I even made a contract with her that stated that the second I find my wonderful mate we are divorced people." he explains with pleading eyes to please believe him on this matter.
„Marcus and Aro tried to warn me about her but I didn't believe her since she seemed so caring. Biggest mistake of my life." he says with remorseful eyes. Not knowing what I should tell him, I simply kiss his mouth lovingly before pulling on his arms to make him follow me to the bed. I want cuddles! At first he doesn't seem to understand but than he lays down and opens his arms for me to cuddle into. With a happy sigh that I finally am surrounded by all of my mates again, I close my eyes. Even though we as vampires can't sleep, it's still nice to close your eyes and enjoy the moment with your loved ones.
„Baby Girl?" alec's soft voice softly asks as he shakes my shoulders softly.
„Hmm." i answer. Still not ready to leave this comfy position.
„Your dad is on the phone and wants to talk to you." Alec says and that quickly makes me sit up right away. Hearing them all chuckle at me doesn't matter right now. Instead I take the offered phone out of Alec's hand and press it against my side.
„Daddy?" i ask hopeful and get a low chuckle in reply that makes me relax even more than I have already been.
„Hey Sweetheart! It's good to hear your voice. Especially since you sound rather happy." Carlisle says with a chuckle. Making myself a bit more comfortable against janes leg.
„I am always happy to hear from you! Love you and the others." I state with a happy giggle. It has been way too long since I have seen them. I mean it only has been a week but I wasn't away from my family for even a day!
„Thats Good to know sweetheart! We love you too, you know that we do." he replies softly, surely knowing that I miss them like crazy already.
„How is Eddi doing? And the others? Is everyone ok?" I ask hopeful that nothing bad has happened to them till now.
„Well, Eddi has been sulking a bit since he misses you a lot. The two of you were the closest out of all of us. Seth and him have been sticking together ever since you left." he explains and makes my heart sink even more. Hating that Eddi had been sulking. He never sulked! He always was the cheerful one! But at least Seth and him have been hanging out together. That surely helps to put my mind a bit at ease.
„The others are all doing really good. Of course they miss you too but we all know that you are happy with your mates in Italy so we try to be happy for you." he says honestly. Sighing at the fact that they think I am that happy here. If they would know how often we have had a few mini fights already they would demand that I come back home right away.
„Thank you guys for understanding." I say softly. Of course he heard that something is wrong. He after all has been my dad for over two hundred years.
„What's the matter Sweetheart? You sound strange. Is everything alright in Italy?" he asks me sounding extremely worried. Taking a deep breath before answering him, i after all can't lie to my dad.
„We had a bit of an disagreement. I found out that Caius has been married just like Marcus. It hurt." I say lowly and hear both my mates whine at the fact that they hurt me so bad.
„But we are going to work this out, you don't need to worry daddy. Demi also helped me to understand that it was before we met and everything." I explain and hear daddy humming on the other side of the phone.
„I understand that this hurt you sweetheart, but they have been alive for a very long time. I am sure they only were really lonely since they couldn't find their mate for so long." Daddy answers me with understanding. Nodding my head at him, I knew he would understand!
„I know. That's why I decided to forgive them." I answer him with a giggle.
„Thats very smart of you Sweetheart and just as generous. I am very proud of you!" daddy softly says and makes me feel all proud. After all I always did my very best to make him proud!
„Well, I let you go back to your mates now sweetheart. But if you need anything don't hesitate to call and you also know that our door will always be open for you. Love you sweetheart." daddy says and after one more love you too, the line went dead. Strong arms quickly pull me close into my mates hug.
„You miss them a lot don't you beautiful?" Felix asks me with sorrowful eyes. Nodding my head at his question. Of course I miss them like crazy, who wouldn't?! They are my family!
„Maybe we can visit them in the foreseeable future or they can come and visit us here? What do you think princess?" marcus asks me with a soft smile. Nodding my head right away. Absolutely loving the idea of them coming to Volterra. Than i can show them my new home and the humongous bathtub!
„We will talk about it with Our Brother, i am sure he will be fine with them coming to visit us mon amor." caius says and kisses my temple lovingly.

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