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Emilias pov:
„So you three all are part of the volturi guards?" I ask with an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Knowing that they won't leave their coven and also that their masters will never let them go willingly. Therefore I will have to leave my family, or I will live on with a broken heart. This makes me really sad. I don't want to leave my family! They always where there for me! They took me in and right away treated me like I belonged!! And that's how I am going to repay them? Leaving them only to move into the coven that has ill feelings towards them. That's not how this was supposed to be like! My mates were supposed to be nomads or at least not part of the Volturi!!
„Emmi? Can we talk? I am sorry but your thoughts weren't to overhear." Eddi asks with a sad face. My mates look shocked and hurt, but they let me leave without a word of disagreement.
„You know that we only want you to be happy and safe. Right Emmi?" Eddi asks me in the kitchen were everyone else is already waiting for me with sad frowns.
„They will want me to come with them?" I whimper, feeling my heart breaking over this decision. What shall I do? I can't leave my family! But I also can't live without my mates.
„It's ok sweetheart. They are your mates. We understand! And just because you will go with them doesn't make you less family to us!" Carlisle says which only makes me whimper even louder. They won't hold me back from living with my mates. But I don't think I could leave them! Those people took me in, cared for me and always were there for me!
„I know it's not easy Emmi! But I am afraid there is no way around this." Edward sighs sadly. My mates along with Demi enter the kitchen with grief filled faces.
„If you really don't want to accompany us, it's alright. We understand that your family means a lot to you." alec says softly, his eyes thought show his real sadness about this hole situation.
„Why don't you call aro or some of your other masters and inform them of the situation at hand? Maybe they will give you some time to spend with your mate?" Alice questions with a knowing smile. She surely has seen this coming alive already!
„That's an awesome idea!! I will call them right away!" Demi says before running off with his phone pulled out already.
„See, everything is turning out alright baby girl!" alec soothingly says while caressing my cheek in adoration.
„Hmm." i hum out not wanting to talk nor needing to. I mean what should I say!? We all stayed in the kitchen. Quiet conversation were made but over all the atmosphere was really calm.
„Well, the good news is that we are allowed to stay for three weeks so you can get to know your mate and I can bond with my sister once again." Demi says as he walks back in. My family stiffens at his choice of words. Since he said the good news is, there definitely is going to be a bad one as well.
„You can't be serious!?" Eddi growls out lowly. He obviously already read Demi's mind and knows what's coming next.
„And the bad one?" Carlisle asks after a calculating look towards Eddi and than Demi.
„He and the other two kings are adamant to get to know her as well." Demi starts with an unsure look in his eyes.
„So they are coming to us!" Eddi finished with a sneer. I do know why thought. The last time he saw them they tried to kill Bella and himself. Therefore I also am not too keen on getting to know them. But even less do I want them here along with my family!
„What if I go to Italy with you right now?" I ask. Not wanting in the slightest but if this would help my family than so be it!!
„No! They have already made up their minds. Nothing will change it. It doesn't matter if you stay or go." Alice says after she got a far away look. That's how we always know that she has a vision, her face goes all blank while her eyes get whiter than normal.
„I am sorry." I sigh out. Feeling guilty for making them come. No one knows why they would come even if I would run to Italy now. This whole thing seems rather strange!
„They don't mean to bring trouble. I asked them myself." Demi says reassuringly. My family nods at him, but I know that we all aren't so sure about that. Even though they might have told him that but who knows what their real attend is!
„Seth is here and wants to see you." Eddi says to me with a slight nod towards the garden. Squealing happily I sprint off to go and see my best friend. He still is in wolf form but I don't care. The second he sees me he runs to me. He softly touches my chest with his snout before a whine leaves him.
„It's ok Seth, I am all healed up again!" I say softly caressing his huge head.
„I hope no one from your pack got hurt." I say hopefully. With everything that happened I totally forgot to ask how the pack was doing. A simple snort escapes him and he rolls his eyes as if to say of course they all are.
„That's Good! I was worried." I tell him and hug him tightly. His warm body curls around me and then we sink to the floor together like we have done thousands of times already.
„I found my mates." I quietly say, still petting his head and caressing his fur with my other hand. His head lifts a little and turns slightly to the side. I can see the sad but curious look in his eyes. Somehow I always was able to communicate with them even when they are in their wolf form.
„I know, they are from the Volturi but they are my mates. You know. I also found my brother, Demetri. Ok, he found me. But important is that we now got each other back." I inform him while he keeps on listening intensely to me.
„It's strange though. Everything happens so fast and now the three Volturi Kings are coming here to meet me." I go on in telling him about everything that had happened in the meantime to him coming here. He huffs at me, definitely not happy about them coming.
„I know. We also aren't happy about it. I even said I will run there right away so they won't come." I say and a deep growl rumbles in his chest.
„Don't worry, Alice said they would come either way so I will stay." I say with a small giggle while still petting him. Since I was finished with talking, I simply make myself more comfortable on my best friends body.
„You know that i Love you like a little Brother?" i ask him after we laid there in silence for at least fifteen minutes.
His soft purring is answer enough. Since it also tickles me I giggle softly. Those are the moments I know I will miss the most.

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