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Demetri's pov:
The second I see my sister standing in a towel wrapped around her tiny body I feel that something is rather odd. At first I thought that she simply is embarrassed that she isn't fully dressed for our meet up, but when she runs off to get dressed and I see her mates faces I know that they have done something wrong! They sure as hell hurt my baby sister. I don't know if physical or mentally but they hurt her for sure. Their sorrowful looks even worsen the anger in the pit of my stomach! How dare them! How can they hurt their mate? My sister!!??
„You all better pray that she explains to me that you haven't hurt her at all!" I growl lowly towards them. Just then my baby sister walks timidly towards me, her head hanging low and I can see her lips have bite marks all over them. A sure sign that she has been thinking about something that troubles her a lot. Habits like that never change. Not even after becoming a vampire.
„Are you Ready?" I ask her softly while eying her mates with furry. Oh hell they better haven't done anything or they are going to regret it dearly! And thy certainly will get to know me a hell of a lot better!
„Love? Did we do something wrong? Or hurt you?" Jane questions in a very unsure and tiny voice. And something within me makes me think she wouldn't have done anything to hurt my baby sister. The way she looks at her and how she always treats her like she means the world to her. After knowing her for a very long time I also know how lonely she has been and how much she longed for a mate. Instead of answering her mates question thought, my dear sister simply looks at the floor with an unreadable look. Deciding that enough is enough and that she has gone through enough pain already I simply walk towards her and intertwine our hands together. Mostly to show her that i am on her side no matter what!
„I will get my sister back to you guys after we spend some time together." I answer instead of sweet Emilia since She keeps silent.
„That is if she wants to." I add with a growl of displeasure towards her mates. Slowly I lead her out of their room and slowly start to walk towards our garden. Hopefully there she will feel safe enough to tell me what bothers her so much as well as what her mates have done to her.
„Thank you. For getting me out of there." she says the moment we enter the huge garden. The heavy door has fallen shut right behind us again.
„Of Course! That's what big brothers are there for!" I softly reply and pull my arm around her shoulder to hold her close while walking to our small garden. When we enter our little hideout as we used to call it as we have been children, I see her shoulders sag as a heavy sigh leaves her lips. Bringing her here seems to have been the right choice to make.
„Do you want to talk about it Emilia?" I ask her after we have sat down on the old stone bench i had stolen from our old home. It makes it more homey in some way.
„We were talking about kissing." she starts and looks at me in question. Seemingly not sure if she is allowed to talk with me about this theme or not. So I simply smile at her, wanting to help her and be there for her. If that means talking about my baby sister getting intimate than so be it. She however was simply talking about kissing so I do hope that she isn't rushing into anything.
„I told them how I have been waiting for them. And then they explained how pleased they are to hear that since they are very jealous." she flies in in explanation. Nodding my head at that. Till now not really understanding where this is leading us, but till now everything sounds rather normal. At least for vampires. Since she stays quiet afterwards and her shoulder start to shake slightly, I softly pull her into a hug.
„What happened afterwards darling? What made you so sad?" I ask her after a few minutes of trying to sooth her so she would stop crying. It pains me to see her like this. She never should have to cry!
„They didn't wait for me. Right?" she questions in return. That question gets me in a bit of a situation. Of course I know that some of them had their adventures and lovers, but can I really tell her that. This will only hurt her more. When I look her back in the eyes she must of already figured it out from my face alone. Her eyes well up in tears yet again.
„Why?" she asks brokenly. Seeing her like this makes me yell at myself for being such a brick too. I after all also have had two lovers instead of waiting for my mate. But now when I for the first time am confronted with what that means for our other halves, I can't believe I would do that.
„I don't know Emilia. I honestly don't know." I answer her and pull her on my lap to have her close to me. When she lays her head on my chest I feel like I have felt years ago. This is how we often have been sitting in our hideout. She would be sad since our parents were pricks that didn't love her like she would of deserved. And me trying my best to be the best brother I could be for this sweet girl. Now however she isn't crying because of our parents, no. Today she cry's because of her mates.
„My guess is that they got lonely. That at least was the case with me. But now I see how I should of never had an affair. Instead i should have been waiting for my one true love." I answer her. Hoping she won't hat me after hearing that I am just as bad as some of her mates. She slowly turns her head around so she can now look at me while still leaning on me.
„Did you love her? I mean, did it mean anything to you other than having some fun?" she asks innocently. Her eyes still wet with those tears of hers.
„I didn't. And I shouldn't of done it. Now I can only hope that my mate will forgive me when I finally meet them." I answer honestly. Feeling slightly afraid that my mate will reject me after they hear that I haven't waited for them.
„they will forgive you Demi." she says after a heavy sigh.
„Mates are destined for each other. It happened before you knew them, so it shouldn't count." she goes on. Still her voice sounds pained.
„But it still will hurt them." I whisper in reply. Knowing that she indeed is very hurt that they haven't waited for her too.
„So, what will you be doing with your mates?" i ask her after we simply cuddle in comfortable silence.
„Forgive them." she says quietly.
„It's the right thing to do. But I don't think I am able to act like nothing has changed." she adds just as quietly. Nodding my head at her explanation. She surely sounds a lot older when she is like that.
„You don't have to act like nothing happened. It wouldn't feel right and that would put a strain on your guys relationship." I softly reply to which she only nods.
„Can you tell me a story like when we were still kids?" she suddenly asks me hopefully. Chuckling slightly at her plea. So after a quick break to come up with a story, I start to tell her a story about a princess that needs to safe her mates from loneliness. Of course with a happy ending, just like it used to be.

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