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Emilias pov:
They look at me with their eyes full of wonder before they go back to normal.
„No sweetheart, we are fine. We just needed to read threw a few old books. What happened to you two? You are pretty dirty?" Carlisle says before looking us over with a small frown.
„Emmet said I was a cheater! So we had a little argument so to speak." I answer in a giggle. The three lovingly look at me once again and then send the both of us upstairs to get cleaned up again. Since the day had been really long And stressful, i decided to take a relaxing bath. I added a few of those bath oils the girls have given to me a while ago. The smell right away engulfs me and makes me relax right away. Sighing softly as I let myself sink into the hot water. The delicious smelling bubbles surrounding me completely. Yeah, that definitely is what I needed right about now. Closing my eyes, I try to relax even more. When I hear my door getting open I still stay that way, my family wouldn't come here if it wasn't important and the bubbles still are hiding my body completely. So no worry's! A knock let's me hum a little and then I feel a lone finger caressing my cheek. Shivering a little at the contrast against the hot water surrounding me. To my surprise i see none of my family but my mates standing next to me with wide and hungry eyes. If I would of paid more attention I surely would of smelled the difference right away and now it's to late. They are here, with me laying completely naked in the bathtub!!
„We simply came to tell you that we are back from our hunt beautiful!" felix states, his eyes burning onto the bubbles that to my luck still are covering me up completely.
„That is really thoughtful of you! I will make sure to hurry and come back downstairs in no time." I answer. Slightly relieved that I wasn't physically able to blush anymore! Otherwise I definitely would be looking like a tomato!!
„Of course my love." Jane whispers against my ear making me shiver yet again.
„Do you enjoy taking baths baby girl?" alec questions interested. His finger slightly dunked into the bathtub, innocently playing with the bubbles. Innocent my ass! If he really thinks I haven't noticed him trying to pop as many of them as possible he is highly mistaken!!
„I do enjoy a calming bath. It soothes my nerves quit a bit! I also like the feel of those bubbles against my skin. So I would appreciate it if you wouldn't make them all pop alec!" I answer him to which he simply smirks and retreats his fingers.
„Wouldn't like to make them all go away than. Anyway, we should get back downstairs before your family realizes that we sneaked in here." he answers me with a wink. He slowly leans down over my body until his face is pretty much above of mine.
„My bathtub is a bit bigger, so maybe we could take a bath together in the near future." he says before kissing my lips softly. They keep on tingling even after he has retreated again. Jane and Felix like always follow his lead and kiss me as well before the three of them leave the bathroom again.
„Before I forget it. Take your time my love, we don't want to rush you through your bath. We will be waiting downstairs along with your family." Jane says and sneakily kisses me another time before she hurry's after the other two. Damn! They surely are going to be the death of me!! I can hear growling coming from the hallway. Guess Eddi did pick up where they have sneaked off to. Serves them right! I giggle a little at their whines before inhaling their scent mixed with the soothing one within the bath oil. Since my mates told me to take my time I sure as hell will do so!! Again closing my eyes, only to open them right away since I can feel lips against mine yet again.
„Couldn't resist beautiful. Your family asked me to get you. We told them to let you but they said you were in here for nearly four hours already." he informs me. A shocked what rushes out of my mouth, quickly standing up. I however right away realize that felix is still in the room and I am stark naked so I right away sit back down again.
„That was a wonderful sight beautiful! One day I hope I will have the pleasure of seeing you properly like that. Preferably trembling against my body in pure ecstasy!" he whispers into my ear. The promise so obvious that it makes me shudder again.
„You, you really should go now. I need to get myself ready." I try to sound stern but I am way to aware how close he is to my naked self to even sound sure about myself!
„As you wish beautiful!" he says and kisses my neck a few times. And than he is gone just as quietly and quick as he has arrived. Without much thought I quickly grab my towel and wrap it around me. Quickly tapping myself dry and than dress in one of the dresses Alice and Rosalie have bought for me. It's a really tight navy blue one. My long dark brown hair falls against it in their usual curls. Sighing a little at the knowledge at how close my mates have gotten to me, and Felix even seeing me naked!! That much to getting to know each other first before doing anything else!!
Slowly I walk downstairs where everyone is already waiting for me. Eddi is still glaring daggers at my mates, especially felix thought.
„you wanted to see me?" I ask them, playing with the hem of the dress since I am kind of nervous with them all staring at me this intensely.
„We do! The three kings are arriving in a few minutes and we wanted to have you by our sides as they arrive." esme motherly says while patting the place next to her. With a wide smile I take a seat next to her and cuddle myself right into her side.
„There is my cuddle monster again." she softly whispers, kissing my forehead with a wide smile. Not long after my family stiffens up a little. Carlisle right away goes to open the door and my mates along with Demi take a protective stand in front of me. I can hear Carlisle talking with one of the supposed kings. My guess aro since he usually is the one that does the talking. Carlisle and Eddi have been telling me everything about them. Eddi even helped me to enhance my gift of shutting out a mind reader so as aro. Normally I don't have my guard up but Eddi nods to me as a sign to use it now. With a deep breath I concentrate on releasing my venom in my head, that way no one should now be able to read me. Looking towards Eddi yet again he smiles proudly at me. Just than there comes an entourage in the living room. Way more people than simple three kings. And where the heck is Carlisle!? I can't see him any longer. Jaspers cold hand makes me calm down again. Helping me to breath a few more times and to stay as calm as I possibly can get at the moment.

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