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Emilias pov:
Last evening and night have been really great. I always loved bonding time with my new family. But now it's time to go to school and this evening we have to fight for our life's. don't really understand why we still need to go to school today, but Carlisle asked us to.
„Sweetheart, it's time. We need to go or we might be late." Rosalie says with an encouraging smile on her beautiful face. So I quickly grab my backpack and hurry into the parking garage. There everyone is already waiting in their cars for me. All except Edward since he and Bella try to lay out a trap for the newborns. Deciding to drive along with jasper this day, I climb into his truck and off we go.
„How are you doing baby cakes?" Alice asks me in a worried tone. Well, guess they still don't like the fact I declined their please to leave for the fight today. But I can't just let them all fight for their lives while I do nothing. It's my duty as family member to fight alongside them. That's what family stands for!
„I am fine. A bit worried about later but other than that I am alright. How are you? Have you seen any outcome of this in a vision?" I ask her. Kind of hoping that she did see us winning with no one getting hurt. Her heavy sigh though let's me know that she wasn't able to get a vision about what is going to accur. She feels guilty since they were able to trick her gift therefore we are kind of blinded in this upcoming battle. But that's not her fault at all!
„Don't worry Alice, I am sure we won't have too much trouble with them. The wolf pack also decided to help, so we should be fine." I try to reassure her even though it won't work completely. But at least I tried and she doesn't look as tense any longer.
„You are right! It's just weird not to see what is going to happen." Alice sighs but pretty soon after peeks up to her usual self again.
„Before I forget it, you look rather cute today!" she states pretty proud of my choice of clothing. It doesn't matter though what I pick since my whole wardrobe got filled by her and Rosalie since I am not a huge fan of shopping myself. So I simply nod in appreciation. Not long after we excited the car and head into the school right away. Apparently we really are late today, can't say I am sorry though. Jasper and I have the first three hours together so he links his arm with mine and together we walk to our first period. He simply knocks on the door with a roll of his eyes before opening it with his usual uninterested facial expression.
„Ah, Mister hale and miss Callen. I already thought you won't be coming today. Please take a seat we were just getting ready to start the class." Misses Donavan says with her usual warm smile plastered on her round face. We both quickly walk to our place in the back and listen throughout the class even though we learned those things a few times already. Jasper keeps on talking with me in quiet whispers as to not get any attention on us. That's why the classes keep on flying by in no time. The whole school has been a blur to me, we just arrived and now we are already on our way back to our home.
„How was School everyone?" esme asks the second we all enter the huge kitchen. To my surprise she is cooking something so my guess is that bella must be coming over. Nothing else would make sense since none of us could eat normal food.

Time skip to the fight.

We all have been standing in that clearing, waiting for them to arrive and now it's finally time. They all came walking to us in a threatening manner, their eyes burning blood red. Focused on us. When they suddenly charged our way the whole fight begins. The wolves were quick to surprise attack them and I can see them easily killing the newborns which soothes my nerves a little. Everyone now has started to fight them and to my utter relief so far no one of us got hurt and that even though we already killed at least half of them. Seeing four of them trying to sneak up to a heavily fighting and distracted esme. So I quickly release my gift and make them burn where they were standing. No one dares come near my mum!
„Sweetheart!" I hear a loud voice screaming but it already was to late. Since I concentrated on esme I totally forgot to look out for any attackers around me. Feeling the huge vampire pulling his arms around my torso. He right away tightens his hold more and more, making me scream out in pure agony. But in a flash the attacker was gone, my body now gets hold upright by strong and protective arms.
„Alec! Now!" I hear someone instruct from near my ear. Just after the instruction the rest of the newborn army falls down unconscious as a black mist engulfed them. My body slowly starts to heal but it still hurts really badly.
„It's ok. Deep breaths sweetheart!" Carlisle tells me with a worried frown. The rest of my family right around and behind him. Emmet looks at the one holding me with untrusting eyes.
„Thank you for your help. But we should now tend to her wounds. So if you may hand her over please." Carlisle states. His eyes never leaving mine and I can see his eyes filled with venom. Tears that will never be falling out of his eyes.
„Felix, alec, finish them off. We will go to their house to help." the voice from earlier tells them with no room of argument. When he lifts me up a small whimper escapes my lips, but I quickly get shushed by that strangely familiar vampire. The second we enter Carlisle study, I get placed on the examination table. Much to my dismay might I add.
„I am so sorry sweetheart! That is all my fault!" esme says guiltily but I shake my head at that.
„I should of concentrate on my surroundings more, but I got so angry for someone trying to hurt you that I forgot." I answer. Embarrassed that I forgot the most important rule to fight against newborns. Never let your guard down or turn your back to them.
„In the kitchen are some blood bags." Carlisle says after he has lifted up my shirt to examine my torso that has cracks all over it. Without another word jasper runs off and comes right back with two blood bags in his hand.
„Drink up sweetheart. You need your strength to heal your wounds." Carlisle instructs and kisses my forehead in a typical fatherly way. And like the good kid that I really am, I drink up all two bags and sigh in relief as the pain subsides more and more.
„We should talk outside real quick." Carlisle tells the stranger that still hasn't given me a name nor have I seen his face throughout the whole time. He must of nodded his head in agreement since the both of them left not long after without another word muttered.

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