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Emilias pov:
I was still a bit overwhelmed from the talk with my mates and the day over all. And after Demi left to fulfill his duty I only felt myself drawl back a little more. It's not that I don't trust my mates! They did tell me that they don't care if I was pure nor about anything that has been done to me. They simply love me for myself and that's amazing. Still, i know i would feel better with Demi around. He after all has become my security blanket just like he has been when we were younger. I always knew that i can trust him with anything!
„What's the matter my love?" Jane softly questions and sets me on her lap. Her small frown only makes me feel worse, I after all didn't want any of my mates to feel bad!
„If you want mon amor I get your brother back to you? I am sure Aro will understand." Caius asks seemingly noticing that I wish my brother was still here with us. It would make things easier. At least I think so. He after all knows how bad the cruel words from our parents and village have hurt me growing up. So he surely would know how to cheer me back up. Or at least hold me so tightly that there was no doubt in my mind that at least he loves and cares for me. So of course I would love to have him here with me, but I understand that he has work to do. Sadly!
„He needs to work." I say sadly. Feeling like a kicked puppy to have to voice it too.
„Don't want Aro to get mad at him or me." I add with an even deeper frown on my lips. Not liking the thought at all that my beloved brother might get in trouble because of me. Why can't I be stronger, just like any of my siblings? None of them would need that much emotional support. I really hate to be this weak.
„Beautiful, Hey. There is no need to think so lowly of yourself." Felix says rather sternly but also comfortingly. Shocked that he even guessed my thoughts, I look at him. How could he know that? I usually am pretty good to act normal while bad mouthing myself in my head.
„You were saying it out loud beautiful." he answers my unasked question. Embarrassed that I allowed them to hear my inner monologue, I try to run into the bathroom to hide from everyone. At least than I can be the useless weak little thing that I am.
„Princess! I never ever want to hear any of those words ever again! Especially not if you are directing them towards yourself!" Marcus growls lowly making my shiver in fright that I might angered him so much that he will reject me. I should of never get my hopes up! They were right! All of them have been right! I am nothing but a worthless girl. No wonder my own mates will reject me. At least they let me feel their love for some time. It's more than I have deserved anyway. Hearing some more growls coming from all of them makes me try harder to get loose, sadly to no avail. Since I know what now will happen, I squeeze my eyes as tightly together as I can and curl myself up in a ball. At least as best as you can do that while still getting held in someone's lap. A loud bang makes me whimper, not yet ready to feel the pain I surely am going to be in in no time. Instead of it thought, two strong arms literally force me out of Janes lap and into a very familiar chest. Realizing just who has come to my aid yet again makes me sigh softly. Finally feeling like I belong, like someone truly cares for me.
„What have you done to get her so deep into her head!" Demi threateningly growls, his hands holding me tightly yet gently as he kissed my forehead lovingly. Making sure I know that he wasn't mad at me at all.
„We don't know. She has gotten quieter and quieter. We even asked if we should get you for her but she declined since she didn't wanted to get you in trouble for abandoning your work." Janes pained voice reply's. And I do have to say that it hurts to hear her like that. It however only confirms my deepest fear, i am not enough for them. And as if that wasn't bad enough, I simply am not good enough for them. They deserve so much better!
„Precious! Hey, no more of that." Demi whispers sadly before he kisses my head a few times as his hold tightens on me.
„You are the best thing this world has to offer! So no more going off in your head. I love you and you are everything that I ever wanted and more!" my incredible brother tells me firmly. Slowly his words start to sink into my brain and even more important into my heart. This is exactly what I needed to hear.
„I am enough?" I ask fearful that he might disagrees but he simply answers with a strong more than enough! My fingers right away curl into his shirt. Not wanting to ever let go ever again! But of course knowing fully well that sooner than later that's exactly what I will have to do. Trying to not think of that for right now though. Instead I try to soak up as much of his love for me as I possibly can. Simply enjoying the peaceful moment my protective brother offers me at the moment, while utmost relief runs through me that I am indeed enough.
„Love you so incredibly much precious. My amazing baby sister! Gonna be there for you forever!" Demi promises in my ear as a happy sigh leaves my mouth. Slowly the panic and worry starts to leave my body again.
„Love?" Jane questions carefully. Her small hand squeezes my shoulder encouragingly.
„You know we all Love you a lot. Right my love?" she questions hopefully but also a little uncertain that I really know and believe it.
„Jane is right Baby Girl. We love you so unbelievable much. I never felt so strongly for anyone ever before." Alec says. I can sense that they want me to give them any reply but I still can't. Not just ready yet to let go of my security blanket nor move even an inch.
„Of Course she knows that." Demetri answers for me, like always being my knight in shining armor!
„Still you need to start to be more careful with her! I already told you often enough that she needs you guys to show and tell her daily how much she means to you." he adds rather stern. Obviously fed up with them making me so uncomfortable and insecure at times.
„We know and We are deeply sorry for all of that." Marcus says guiltily.
„I And the others swear we are going to be better mates from now on beautiful! You are the most important thing in this whole universe, so we need to show you that more often!" Felix promises and kisses the back of my head. This small show of affection makes me smile a little. Guess they do really care for me.
„from now on We are going to tell you how much we love you mon amor. You deserve so much love and care, so from now on we are going to treat you like the queen you are!" Caius adds to all the other promises they were currently making to me. Slowly pulling my head a bit away from unter Demetris chin to look at him. Wanting to know if he does trust their statements, so when I see him nodding at my silent question, I smile a bit.
„Love you all as Well." i say before hiding my head yet again. Hearing the others all awhing at my cuteness would of made me blush for sure if I still would be able too. But since I can't I only feel my heart melting at my sweet mates and protective brother.

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