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Emilias pov:
There in the middle of the living room are standing my mates. Not one, but three!! How is that even possible!? The worst part though is that they are currently growling at my family!
„What is going on here?" Demetri wants to know from all of them. He has softly pushed me a bit behind himself to make sure I am safe. Eddi suddenly stands himself next to my brother, shielding me even more from my mates. But why? I don't understand what's going on!? Three very fierce and threatening growls come my way and I burry myself into eddies back, afraid of them. I thought mates are supposed to love one another. Why are they growling at me? Have I done something wrong?
„Demetri you better get them to calm down or I am going to forget myself for scaring my baby sister!" Eddi growls towards Demi who looks at me with a sorrowful look before instructing my mates to follow him outside.
„It's ok. You are safe Emmi! No one can hurt you! i promise!" Edward try's to sooth my frigid nerves but it isn't really working. This day has been so chaotic! Everything is so confusing. Only an hour ago my family and I had to fight for our life's and now this!
„Edward is right Sweetheart! You are safe. Deep breaths." Emmet soothingly says and hugs me from behind. Now, surrounded by two of my big brothers I slowly calm down. Knowing that they would never let anyone hurt me. Unintentionally or not, they don't care! Again someone is clearing his throat from behind me.
„You better speak before I make sure you will never be able to!" emmet growls lowly. The threat not at all hidden in his statement.
„we want to apologize for frightening you. It's just that we weren't expecting to find our mate. Especially not wrapped around someone that isn't us." the younger looking boy says. I think Demi had called him alec back on the field. Slowly I nod at him, understanding what he means but still a bit frightened of them. They were growling at me threateningly! That definitely wasn't called for!!
„She is afraid since you were growling at her. She doesn't understand why you would do that. She thinks she has done something wrong." Eddi explains my thoughts to my supposed mates since he knows I won't be able to say anything to them right about now. They look shocked, hurt even. Their heads hanging low in shame.
„We really are sorry. And for all it is worth, we weren't growling at her. We will never growl at our mate. We growled at you since we wanted you to get away from our mate." the girl says. She kind of looks a lot like alec. Maybe they are related?
„Names?" I softly ask them still afraid but at least calm enough to at least ask for their names.
„I am felix, this is Jane and that is her twin brother alec. What is your name beautiful?" the really really huge and mean looking one says. He is even bigger and bulkier than emmet!!!
„You are really really big!" I Mutter and right away hide back into Edwards chest, shaking in fear he will hurt me now since I said something rude. To my surprise thought they all laughed at my statement, making my belly feel all funny.
„That i am beautiful. But don't worry I won't ever hurt you. Only protect and love you for as long as I will live and even longer." felix tells me in between the others chuckles. My family only laughs at my prior statement, knowing that I usually say what I think.
„Emilia. My name is Emilia." I say after thinking his statement through a bit. Hoping that he really means it and that he won't ever hurt me. His built already tells me that i won't have a chance against him in a fight. Yes i could use my gift on him but I don't know if I could live with the knowledge that I killed my own mate. Shaking my head to get my dark thoughts out of my head. He said he only wants to protect and love me. And I really want to believe him!!!
„That's a really lovely name! Absolutely perfect for such a wonderful person!" alec says with a bright smile. Making me feel all warm and fuzzy much to the amusement of my family.
„So, why don't we go and sit down. Talk a little and get to know one another." Jane giddily asks me. Her smile widens even more after my small nod. Slowly I get myself out of the tight embrace of my two brothers. Really slowly so I can right away scurry back if needs be.
„They won't hurt you Emmi. Don't worry." Eddi murmurs softly much to the surprise of my mates it seems. So after another deep breath and a dose of jaspers calming sense I step away from my most favorite hiding place.
„Hi." I mumble shyly much to my mates joy it seems.
„Aren't you a cutie!!" Jane says and hugs me softly. Being a little surprised but happy none the less to be this close with one of my mates.
„Shall i accompany you into the living room my lady?" emmet question in his posh accent making me giggle. Quickly I hold a hand over my moth, embarrassed of such a sound coming out of my mouth. Alec suddenly stands next to me and softly removes my hand from my mouth though.
„That's a way too pretty sound to hide baby girl." he says, softly kissing the hand he just removed from my mouth.
„We will be waiting in the kitchen sweetheart. Just shout if you need anything." Carlisle says with an encouraging smile. I bit my lip in thought before I slowly lead the way to the living room. I sit myself in my usual spot, which is right in the middle of the long couch part. They seem to accept this as an invitation and sit themselves right next to me. Felix slightly pouting since the twins were faster than himself in doing so. But instead of taking a seat next to either of them, he sits down in front of me.
„Let's get to know each other a little better my love!" Jane says once again. Her eyes twinkling in joy. Taking yet another deep breath, it's time to really get to know them. They are my mates!

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