48. proposal

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a month later

Jay's POV

Gosh this heat. I washed my face with the cold water as I felt summer slowly make its way. "Babe, go on. Imma bring water." I told Jiwoo as she protested to wait for me. Finally giving up, I quickly filled the empty water bottle and made my way inside my class with my girlfriend. Entering the class, I saw Ningning, who was slowly becoming Jiwoo's best friend run up to her pulling her into a tight hug. "I missed you bæ." She said out as I narrowed my eyes while trying to move them apart. "Ehm miss Ningning, she's mine. Keep your distance please." Mocking her in a fun way, she just gave me a disgusted look as I returned her one.

Jiwoo chuckled letting go off the hug. "Lol Jay you jealous?" The girl now teased me as I scoffed rolling my eyes. "Even if I'm, I know Jiwoo would never leave me." Pecking Jiwoo's soft cheeks I side hugged her as she just giggled watching the drama. "But I bet your girlfriend is gay for me so you don't know for sure." She winked at me before pulling Jiwoo to her side. "Right Woo?" She eyed my girlfriend as I felt my stomach burn. "For real." Betrayal. I made a shocked face and looked at Jiwoo while clutching my heart as if it was hurting. Jiwoo burst out in laughter as I pouted. "Cute." She ruffled my hair before going to her seat as the class started. Not forgetting the fact that before walking to my sit I gave Ningning a 'you're dead' sign to which she just rolled her eyes.


"Are you sure you wanna propose her Jay?" Ningning asked as me, her and Jungwon sat at a table away from the others. I fought with my thoughts about if I should take the decision or will it be too rushed. "Just our engagement but I don't wanna push her." I looked down contemplating with my thoughts as Jungwon patted my back. "Hyung you've been planning it for a long time. I don't see any harm." He encouraged me to propose her sister and secretly gestured Ningning to do it as well.

"Yes Jay or else I'm stealing your girl." She said it out as if it was no big deal to propose someone. I sighed nodding as they hi fived each other in success. "Uhh what are you guys doing?" Jiwoo came and sat beside me as the other two became quiet shaking their head. "I was just saying Jungwon should probably find a boy for himself." Please I'm bout to crack up. Her excuse was damn as I noticed Jungwon's expression change from nodding to wtf did she just say? Jiwoo shrugged it out without thinking much.


"Jay why did you call us all of a sudden?" Mr and Mrs. Yang sat on the couch and my parents also waited for me to kill the suspense. Nervousness drowned me but I tried swimming and took a deep breath. "I'm going to propose Jiwoo." I opened my closed eyes slowly to see their reaction. Are they going to beat me up? "Omg Jay, my son you're all grown up now." Dad came out hugging me as I sighed in relief thinking he doesn't have any problem with it and then I looked back at Jiwoo's parents with impatient eyes. "That's... an awesome decision Jay." Her father excitedly said as I laughed lightly before breathing heavily.


2 days later

Jiwoo's POV

"Ningning where the heck are you girl?" I tried searching her in the dark house. We planned to study but seemed like she dozed off thinking I'd probably skip it. But for real, her house was huge. She didn't lie when she said she was probably richer than any of us. I walked not knowing where the darkness was leading and called her a thousand times.

Finally the light turned on as I squinted my eyes adjusting with the opacity and fully opened my eyes after a while only to see my boyfriend standing in front of me. "Jay?" He approached me with small steps before coming right in front of me. "What are you doing here-" He shushed me by putting a finger in front of my lips as I confusedly looked at him.

"Yang Jiwoo, you must be really confused as to what I'm doing right now exactly. But it's something very important to me and I'm hoping it is for you as well. So uhh I know it has almost been a year since I met you Jiwoo and now I'm standing here in front of you as a person who's crazy over you and is also your boyfriend." He chuckled making me chuckle as well. I had no idea as to he was doing cuz as far as I know, it isn't my birthday and we didn't have any fight or anything that he's trying to patch up. "You know I love you right?" He said out as I nodded. Before saying the next line he sat on one of his legs looking up at me as my eyes widened in shock.

"Then can I perhaps propose to you?" He pulled a small red box and opening it I saw that ring. The ring he gave me on my own birthday. The ring which I had gave him back the day he said he wanted to break up.

"Uhh not like marriage, I'd probably do something way bigger for that but right now it's for our engagement. But I don't want to rush you Jiwoo. I just uhhh might sound funny but I wanted to officially call you mine." He nervously scratched the back of his neck as tears started forming in my eyes. Crybaby. I looked down lightly sniffing still not answering. He started panicking seeing me cry all of a sudden. "Hey why are you crying? Please don't. I'm sorry if I went too fast. You don't have to answer. Please I'm really sorry." He wiped out my tears standing up as I shook my head.

"No Jay. I'd love to be called yours."

I said out putting my hand forward so that he could make me wear the ring. "Are you sure?" He was still confused as to if I was being honest or just didn't want to make him feel bad. But no I was sure about what I wanted. Yes I wanted to be with Jay for a long time and this is going to be a big step but I was sure of it. "Yes Jay I'm sure. I want to be engaged with you." Smiling, he made me wear the beautiful ring as I checked it out. It looked beautiful. Seeing his happy face I pulled him into a hug hiding my face in his chest as he patted my head.

"Finally." I heard Ningning and Jungwon come out clapping their hands in excitement. They were so happy. "Jiwoo, you did kinda cheat on me but I'm happy for you." The girl came over pulling me into a hug. "I'm gonna show everyone this video." Jungwon checked out the video he made as Jay smiled softly at me intertwining my hand with his.

"Thank you for being in my life Jiwoo."

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Jay was scared Ningning might steal his girlfriend so he quickly proposed to her 😳

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Jay was scared Ningning might steal his girlfriend so he quickly proposed to her 😳

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