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Nervousness was all over me as I entered the house without making much noise. I
had decided to ask Jugyeong if she really liked Jay or not and man wasn't I sweating. Slightly opening the door I saw Jugyeong watching television while munching on some cookies. Cool down Jiwoo. Calming myself down I approached her slowly putting my belongings in one corner. Her eyes fell on me but she quickly looked back to what she was watching.

What's with that attitude? "Hey." My voice was slow and weak. She finally looked at me. "Hi." So cold. I gulped down a glass of water before sitting beside her. "Are you angry at me?" I tried asking hoping to get a positive result but she only shook her head. "Then why are you so quiet?"

"Can you let me watch this peacefully?" Her cold tone sent shivers down my spine but I still talked back. "What's with that attitude huh?" I should really control my mouth but she needed to know that she was not being so polite. I looked at her eyes which seemed to shoot me every moment. "Are you ignoring me because Jay helped me?" Now, she turned of the tv facing me while I held my sleeves tightly because of the sudden tension in the air. She opened her mouth to say something but stopped midway. "Not at all." Sarcasm was obvious in her tone.

"Come on, Jugyeong. Tell me what's bothering you." I grabbed her hand stopping her from leaving the room but she harshly pushed it away. "You are bothering me Jiwoo."

"Huh?" She scoffed and glared at me again. It was scary. She wasn't the Jugyeong I knew. "Yes Jiwoo it's you. You've been bothering me for the past one month. I thought maybe it would last for only a couple days but no, you aren't stopping. You keep on trying to snatch stuffs that are supposed to belong to me."

"I-i don't understand Jugyeong." My voice broke a bit. "For fuck's sake Jiwoo stop trying to be the victim all the time. I know that you've been through a lot but that doesn't mean you can steal Jay and my friends away from me." She shouted making me flinch. Steal Jay away from her? What does she mean? Oh no... Please don't let it be what I'm thinking it is. "Jugyeong..."

"Shut up Jiwoo. Listen to me. From the moment you came here, I just saw you stealing my friends from me. And Jay as well. All those shipping, you seem to enjoy them a lot to not even clear the misunderstandings, and then you went around being all petty just so that he'd feel bad for you. But can't you see? That you're basically using him. Don't try to snatch him from me Jiwoo."

"Jugyeong what are you even saying?" A tear left my eye as I quickly wiped it. "I'm not using Jay. It was his decision to help me. I never asked for his help. Coming to the shipping thing, I can't stop someone from saying what they want. And Jugyeong I'm not snatching him away from you. What are ever trying to tell-"

"I like him Jiwoo." I stopped what I was saying after hearing Jugyeong. The thing that I feared about, it came true. "I like him a lot. I've liked him since the first time I saw him. And I have a feeling that he likes me as well. But something isn't going right. And it's you. You're ruining everything Jiwoo. Do you even like him?" She cried out pushing me a couple times. "I do l-like him."

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