13. involved

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"Huh?" I wasn't expecting that from Jay and was sure shocked. "Ju-just don't cry." He abruptly walked to his apartment and quickly went inside while I just stared at him doing that. I can never understand him. Why is he so confusing? And when did he see me cry? Oh right at school today. I sighed and closed the door.

Finally it was midnight. Everyone was sleeping but I was up. Like always. I decided to not go out tonight rather just stay in my room. All by myself. And think. It was all going back to square one. All I wanted was to be happy. Was it too much to ask for? All I wanted was to be accepted by everyone. Am I too greedy? I brought out my diary where I hardly wrote. I used to write in that diary whenever I was sad. Really sad and alone. But not always.

I opened the diary only to see that the last time I wrote there was a year back and the last line had 'hope to write again' but I didn't want to write today. I wanted to go back to the days where I wrote in that diary. I wanted to see if my life became better or not. Even if by an inch, I would like to know. If anything is different from my previous life or not.

I didn't think I would actually find any difference but as I read those simple sad paras I saw differences. And I realized my life did change. "Why don't I have any friends?" I read out aloud. My writing from a year back. I didn't have any friends back then. Now I do. I had a sad smile on my lips. "I have friends now. And I shouldn't be sad because that's not how it works." I turned the pages of my diary reading more of those painful memories I had to go through before.

I was always like this. Kept my feelings within myself without trying to let it all out. I made myself believe that crying will make me weak. And I shouldn't cry. Because I am strong. But as time went by, I learnt things slowly. That crying helped me express myself. Even though nobody's actually seeing me in this painful condition, I atleast have myself. And I have to look after myself.

I took a deep breathe and decided to forget whatever that happened today. "Don't worry Jiwoo you aren't alone." I told to myself gaining more courage. Yes I'm not alone. I've people who cares for me. And I should care about myself for them. I closed the diary and laid on my bed. It was already 1am. I looked through my phone. Being the weird person I'm, I started going through 'how to pluck mushroom' videos at 1am in the morning when I got a notification.

It was a message. From Jungwon.

Little bro :
You're probably watching
weird food videos.

A smile formed on my lips seeing his message and I started typing.

Me :
I am actually.

Little bro :
Guessed it.
Anyways did you eat?

Me :
Yup bro.

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