~ Part 5 ~ | Hearts Racing

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~ Part 5 ~ | Hearts Racing

**  Fight Song (Rachel Platten)**

"Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion"

~ Rachel Platten

This chapter is dedicated to Booky_The_Trickster . Thank you for supporting me as I wrote this book! I enjoyed listening to your awesome puns! XD

(comment or PM if you'd like a shoutout!)


Nya swore loudly as she saw Kai stumbling along, leaning heavily on Jay. He looked horrible. Absolutely horrible. His lip was split open, there was bruising on his face and he clutching a hand to his side. Nya's hand flew over her mouth and Zane placed a hand on her shoulder comfortingly as Cole ran to help them.

"H-hey." Kai forced a smile. "No swearing."

"Shut up, idiot." Nya hovered around him, checking his wounds and making him wince. "What the freaking heck happened?"

"Stupid kids from Darkley's." Jay chewed at his bottom lip, eyes full of guilt as Cole took over. "I'm sorry, Kai."

Cole curled his lip and wanted to punch something but he waited until he had gotten Kai to the backseat before he made any sudden moves.

"Darkley's?" Zane's brow furrowed. "I am unfamiliar with that term."

"Darkley's School for Bad Boys." Cole sighed. "It's literally an academy where rotten kids go and become even more rotten."

Kai touched his finger to his lip, hissing in pain. Nya swatted his hand away. "I gave the little brat, Brad, a good knock around."

"You were in a fight?" Nya shrieked.

"Well...yeah." Kai gave her a funny look.

"His bruised knuckles and wounded body has pointed to that conclusion." Zane added.

Nya made an odd sound in the back of her throat and her hands contorted into strangling gestures.

"Nya, I think you should calm down-" Jay tried to say gently.

"Don't tell me to be calm!" Nya snapped. "Everyone in the car- now!"

They hastily obeyed, Zane and Nya scrambled on the back with Kai and Cole and Jay were in the front. There was mostly silence on their ride, the only noise was the rumble of the tires and the slight whine from Kai or whisper from Nya.

Cole kept his gaze straight ahead as he drove but his eyes began to flick to Jay, who was unusually quiet. The ginger head sat there, staring at his hands, shaking.

"Are you okay there, motor-mouth?" Cole asked gently.

Jay wrapped his arms around himself. "I'm fine." He said softly. "I just want to get to the school."

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