~ Part 9 ~ | The Boy Out of Time

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~ Part 9 ~ | The Boy Out of Time

**  True Colours (Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick)**

"You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged, oh I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
The darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small"

~ Trolls

(Hey I know that another woman also sang this song very beautifully but this one came up first and I'm too tired to go look for the other one so enjoy some trolls XD)

This chapter is dedicated to @SkolaUwU thank you for the votes! It really makes me so happy to see that my readers enjoy my writing. :)

(comment or PM if you'd like a shoutout!)

(yes the chapter title is inspired by Captain America. "The Man Out of Time")


The inspector wasn't anyone scary. Just a young women who came in with a clipboard, skirted around, asked a few questions, scribbled in a table and then left.

Even though it was uneventful it was the biggest thing that had really happened around the place so they all decided to celebrate by making some hot chocolate. Well, minus Wu. The usually calm headmaster looked stressed so he left to his office.

Nya directed Cole away from the stove as Zane mixed together some cocoa powder and milk with a spoon.

"So..." Cole began awkwardly. Cole wasn't very close with Nya, not like the others were. Kai was her sister, Jay was her crush, and Zane was her only mature friend, so that left Cole as the random other dude she knew. But Cole didn't want to be the random other dude. He wanted to be the amazing, supportive, annoyingly good at match-making friend.

"What are your thoughts on Jay?" Cole tried to make it sound like an off-hand comment as he grabbed some mugs.

"He's nice. Funny." Nya shrugged. "We worked a bit on fixing the truck yesterday. He likes making puns."

Okay, interesting. Cole decided to turn it up a notch. "What are your thoughts on Jay romantically." Zane's eyebrows flew up as Nya paused and gave him a funny look.

"Why? Are you interested?"

Crap. That went in the wrong direction. Zane smothered a laugh with a cough. "NO!" Cole yelled, the answer coming out a little too high. "Uh- no. We're just friends."

Nya snickered as Cole gave up his efforts and pouted, slouching in his seat with a sulky expression. He accepted the hot chocolate offered to him. Zane stopped the mixer and dipped a spoon into the fluffy sweet treat, popping a small spoonful of whipped cream into the hot chocolate. Cole went to drink some but Zane stopped him.

"Just wait." Zane chuckled when Cole gave him a crushed look. The pale boy took some dark chocolate and put some shavings on top of the whipped cream.

"This is the fanciest hot cocoa I've ever had." Nya commented when Zane finished with hers. "Thank you, Zane."

Zane flushed with pride as Cole sloppily slurped at his own cup. He was about to respond when Kai came crashing through like a ball of thunder. Cole jumped, spilling his drink everywhere as Nya blinked in surprise.

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