~ Part 7 ~ | Tell Me A Story

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~ Part 7 ~ | Tell Me A Story

**Porcelain Face (4 Door Theatre) **

"I met a girl with a porcelain name
Easy to talk to but hard to explain
What do I do when I'm falling for you?
The girl with a porcelain name
Meets a boy with a cardboard face"

~ 4 Door Theatre


This chapter is dedicated to @cactus_102! Thank you for voting!!!

(comment or PM if you'd like a shoutout!)


Jay regretted agreeing to the group sleepover in the seating room.

He liked the kids, he really did! But Jay couldn't help but wish he was alone with Nya. Just the two of them talking by the fire instead of failing at s'mores and trying to stop the kids from igniting the furniture with the matches.

"Okay!" Jay finally exclaims after he rescues Wu's armchair from the flames. "Why won't we try a different activity?" He suggested.

The kids look at him curiously. They were all grouped in their little cliques by the fireplace. Games and food were strewn around like confetti, and everyone had a pillow or a blanket. The younger one's were buzzing with excitement while the older children had the bored I'm-Too-Cool-For-This expressions.

One of the miniature Kais-but-worse smiled a little too smugly. "Maybe we could share some scary stories?"

A little girl shrunk back into her stuffed cat when he said that but the rest of them seemed eager.

Jay hesitated and looked to his friends for guidance but none of them were very helpful. Wu had turned in early, as had Misako. Lloyd had been quiet most of the day and was sleeping with his head on Kai's shoulder. Kai had been pissed because no one had come to relieve him of "babysitting duty" as he called it. So, Kai pointedly ignored Jay and focused on watching over Lloyd.

The protective young man had been pretty patient and had managed to wait through dinner before the interrogation started on the woman that had suddenly appeared in the kitchen. The kids had gone to do their homework Kai had dragged everyone aside so he could demand answers in the delicate way Kai did.

By yelling.

A lot.

Jay had been curious as well. He could tell from Nya's hardened expression that something had been bothering her but he knew better than to ask before she was ready. Kai, on the other hand, did not respect that silent rule.

"It's nothing." Lloyd had said to them a little too stiffly.

Kai then snorted disbelievingly and he narrowed his eyes at the rest of the group. "Does everyone know what's going on except me?"

Jay remembered raising his hand. "Uh me?"

He was surprised to see that Cole was also aware of the mysterious woman in their school. Cole wasn't dumb he just... was a little dense sometimes. He didn't always notice things. But Cole had proven him wrong by explaining what had happened clean and simple.

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