~ Part 12 ~ | Pressure

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~ Part 12 ~ | Pressure


** I Didn't Mean To (Sarah Barrios) **


"It's not that I didn't want to talk
I'm just scared of the confrontation (yeah)
It's not that I wouldn't risk it all
I just didn't know how to say it (yeah)"

~ Sarah Barrios


This chapter is dedicated to @KotlcNinjago. Thank you for the comments!

(comment or PM if you'd like a shoutout!)


A group of students stayed huddled in the corridor. They watched as Lloyd walked past. He didn't look particularly scary. His hair was rumpled and he was still yawning but Rodrigo was always better at seeing things below the surface than the rest. He pointed out the dark circles and the foggy look in the young man's eyes. Rodrigo also speculated why Lloyd is so tired. He usually is very bright-eyed and sunny in the mornings.

"It's the ghost feeding off of his life force." Rodrigo said factually. "It's draining his energy until Lloyd is nothing but an empty husk. Then it will choose its next victim."

A little boy in the back of the group squeaked. His eyes wide as saucers. The child anxiously peeked at Lloyd's retreating figure before shoving his purple hood over his head.

"Are you scared, Nelson?" Meghan teased.

"Aren't you?" Nelson said incredulously.

"Of course not." Meghan said breezily. "I have a spray bottle. If the ghost dares come near me I have a weapon!"

Rodrigo ignored them. "We'll need to scout the ghost's hideout while it's gone."

"You should go again Rodrigo!" One of the other boys said. "The ghost didn't come for you! You must be immune or something."

"No, we'll need someone less experienced. I want to draw the ghost back to its lair." Rodrigo tapped his finger to his chin methodically.

Meghan scowled. "I thought you wanted to investigate while it's gone!"

"I do! But I also want to draw it back. So we know that it will come if we need it to. That way we can set a trap later." Rodrigo explained.

"Then who should go?" The boy asked.

"I can go." Meghan lifted her chin. She was done being one-upped by Rodrigo of all people.

Rodrigo waved a hand. "It can't be you. You're not scared of it." Meghan's nostrils flared, her jaw setting as she glared daggers at the boy. "We'll need someone smaller... a little naive." His voice was hushed so only his main group could hear him. Rodrigo's eyes slid over the younger kids huddled around. They landed on Nelson who was absently playing with a fidget toy.

Nelson felt the eyes on him. A sick feeling rolling in his stomach as he slowly looked up. "W-why's everyone looking at me?" He stuttered.

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