~ Part 5 ~ | Slipping Through My Fingers

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~ Part 5 ~ | Slipping Through My Fingers

** Anyone (Demi Lovato) **

"Anyone, please send me anyone
Lord, is there anyone?
I need someone, oh
Anyone, please send me anyone
Lord, is there anyone?
I need someone"

~ Demi Lovato


This chapter is dedicated to my sister! Because you were singing so loudly that I decided to hole myself up in my room and write this!

(comment or PM if you'd like a shoutout! Seriously, the new people who vote get drowned out in other notifs and I keep forgetting to write down the name XD)


Warning: some mental health struggles.


It was a beautiful summer day.

A little boy shovelled the cereal into his mouth as he watched the sun dance across the surface of the table like spotlights, creating golden streaks along the dark mahogany top. It looked so cheerful the way the sun cast its light across the darkness like it was reaching out to touch every living being and give it its energy and joy.

His blonde hair lit up like fire in its light and the child grinned to himself as he watched the shadows dance across the room. He turned to his paper and began to doodle a simple sun with shades and a toothy smile. His fat crayon made huge thick lines across the page as he tried to mimic the way the rays shone.

"Eat your breakfast, Lloyd, you can draw later today." A smooth voice said as fingers ruffled through his hair.

The boy's smile spread wide, dimples appearing in the corners of his mouth as he looked up to see his father stride through the room. Garmadon winked at Lloyd, moving to where Misako was washing the dishes and giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

Lloyd turned back to his picture as they exchanged quiet words. A gleeful expression on his innocent face as he drew him and his father hand in hand.

Everything was so easy, so simple. A happiness only a kid can feel spread like sunshine through his fingertips. The little boy couldn't help but giggle a little as he finished a third stick figure.

The man grabbed his hat and plopped it on his head. The man glancing back at his family once before turning to the door. "Have a nice day!" He called as he departed.

"Bye daddy!" Lloyd yelled.

Misako turned and looked towards Lloyd, who beamed back at her. She smiled and gave him a kiss on the forehead, sweeping his hair back from his face. She picked up a red dinosaur from the ground and placed the fallen toy in his arms.

Lloyd accepted it with open arms. "Grundle!" He cheered.

"Finish up, darling." Misako murmured before she turned away.


Lloyd was beyond confused as he approached the duo huddled around the door. Nya and Zane were whispering too each other quietly, their gaze flicking to the door as they shuffled and squeezed so they could place their heads against it.

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