~ Part 1~ | Opportunities

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~ Part 1~ |  Opportunities

** Top of My School (Katherine Lynn Rose) **

"I'll go all out, ace every test
No doubt, outdo all the rest
Don't pout or settle for second best
So I won't stop, and won't lose my cool
Don't flop 'cause Harvard's no fool
And who'll love me
If I'm not the top of my school"

~ Katherine Lynn Rose

This chapter is dedicated to @Judithgaso
Even new readers make a difference. I appreciate the support 💜


All the cafeterias in the movies would be full of conversation and laughter. Some kids would be studying, others would be dribbling a ball in the middle of the room, and occasionally they would all break into song. They would sometimes paint the little cliques they'd migrate into as a bad thing but Skylor never understood it. Who wouldn't want a group of friends with similar interests to you? Who wouldn't want people who'd stick by you and be a part of all the same activities you were in? Perhaps that was just wishful thinking clouding her mind. Because Master Chen's High School was nothing like that.

Skylor held back a sigh as she stood awkwardly in the lunch line, waiting for the man behind the counter to pour some miso soup into her bowl. Her shoulders relaxed just a little bit when the delicious aroma of food hit her nose.

Well, Skylor thought half-heartedly to herself. At least the food is good.

The girl turned and moved to her usual spot, her footsteps loud in the nearly silent room as she took her place at her usual table, exchanging hard stares with the other students eating around her. Everyone ate individually. If people shared tables they had a clear amount of room between their shoulders and they wouldn't say a word unless it had to do with passing a condiment across the table.

Skylor huffed, her red hair fluttering in front of her face as she surveyed her schoolmates. Track star, Griffin Turner, was shovelling food into his mouth like he was being timed. Before she even blinked the boy was on his feet and bursting out the door towards the field outside to practice. Tox, a pale young woman with acidic green makeup, wrinkled her nose when the door almost hit her. A few nasty words were muttered under her breath as she leaned closer to the purple-haired student seated beside her. Skylor narrowed her eyes, her ears straining to try and catch the conversation. Before she could there was a loud thump on the table and she looked up.

"Oh," Skylor said flatly. "Paleman, I didn't see you there."

The young man scowled at her and his very light cheeks reddening slightly with annoyance. "You're leading our school during the tournament again, aren't you?" He said, barreling straight to the point (as most people did at the school).

"Obviously." Skylor rolled her eyes.

"Then it's safe to assume you'd be interested in some news I overheard in the headmaster's office." He raised an eyebrow challengingly. "Wouldn't want the news going to anybody before you, would we?"

The redhead glared at him. Irritation bubbled inside her and every instinct told her to yell at him. Fortunately, her brain had always been stronger than her body. Forcing her form to relax she pasted on a friendly smile. "You would be right."

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