~ Part 3 ~ | Into the Lion's Den

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~ Part 3 ~ | Into the Lion's Den

** CHS Rally Song (Ashleegh Ball)**

"And you know
At the end
Of the day
It is we who survive!"

- My Little Pony

This song doesn't totally fit but I realized that it would've been great for the last chapter and also I really like it 😂


This chapter is still dedicated to @Kailor_Ninjago! Thank you so much for the comments and support!


Master Chen's High School was bigger than any of the tiny, broken-down structures in Ignacia. Kai couldn't help but feel intimidated (only a little bit!) by the humongous building. It was sleek and modern with tan stones and deep purple roofing. The window frames were a bright, shocking red, and framing them were deep violet banners.  Beside the school was a wide field of neatly mowed grass, a nice garden circling it with what looked like a stadium right next to it. Nearby, the parking lot was spread over the school property. It already was full of various vehicles owned by staff and students but now buses and other transportation from the guest schools were pulling in, helping to fill up the giant slab of asphalt. Lloyd whistled beside him, eyes wide and impressed as took he took in the surroundings.

"How much money does this school have?" The blonde asked under his breath.

Cole frowned, an unusually stormy expression on his face. "It's rarely good when a school has this much cash to hand out on things like a stadium and fancy banners." He said with a shake of his head. "Means we're in for some real insufferable people- both students and staff."

"Oh Cole, you worry too much! This tournament brings schools together! I'm sure everyone here is just lovely-" Jay's sweet words were interrupted when a car skidded by them, narrowly missing the boy as he leaped back into Cole with a scream. The fancy sports car was a blinding white, red stripes becoming blurs as it moved. It spun around quickly before sliding perfectly into a nearby parking spot, the door swinging out to allow a young man to step out.

"Oh, did I startle you?" The newcomer asked. It was hard to parse out his expression from the large red shades he wore over his face. Kai could make out light brown hair that was brushed back as if someone had blasted a hairdryer in his face. He wore a white tracksuit shirt with red stripes to match his car and glasses. As he drew closer, Kai could feel annoyance prickling in him when he saw the self-satisfied smirk the other teenager wore.

"Nope. Wasn't scared at all!" Jay pushed away from Cole and nervously fiddled with his silver necklace.

Cole raised a brow at his friend, barely hiding his amusement before he nodded at the human lifebuoy. "Hey. We're students from Master Wu's."

His eyebrows flew up and his face split into a grin. The boy grabbed onto Kai's hand and began jerking it up and down in an aggressive handshake. "I've heard about you guys! Quite a lot to hear, I'll tell you! Welcome to Master Chen's! I'm Turner, Griffin Turner."

Kai took his hand back as politely as possible, hoping his smile didn't look like a grimace. "Wow, I guess we'll be competing against you."

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