~ Part 9 ~ | A Small Step Forward

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~ Part 9 ~ | A Small Step Forward

** Piece by Piece (Kelly Clarkson) **

"But piece by piece, he collected me up
Off the ground,
where you abandoned things, yeah
Piece by piece,
he filled the holes that you burned in me"

~ Kelly Clarkson


This chapter is dedicated to @ninjago_pixane228!

(comment or PM if you'd like a shoutout!)


The morning was cool, the brisk air pushing through the wool blanket draped over Lloyd's shoulders. The courtyard was a peaceful place. Long shadows were cast by the trees that hung over the area, making the sunlight dapple along the stone and grass. Birds called persistently for the wake of day but Lloyd barely noticed they songs, just as he ignored the goosebumps forming on his skin. His eyes stayed focused on the horizon, the sunrise reflecting in his gaze as he watched it float over the trees. The sky looked like a watercolour painting, streaked in beautiful tones of pink, orange, and yellow. The blonde boy blinked slowly, his fingers tightening around the blanket as he let out a slow breath. You could see the air puff from his lips, the warm exhale disappearing as quickly as it formed.

The soft sound of footfalls made Lloyd twist around in surprise. Wu stood expectantly. The man's stance was hesitant, one hand clasping the knot of his robe and the other gripping his bamboo staff, but his eyes were careful and warm. The gaze seemed to say something he couldn't speak aloud. The two simply watched each other for a moment, the exchange was a question waiting for an answer. There was an underlying fear that weighed on the headmaster, scared of rejection but resigning to it willingly. Lloyd's form was stiff with distrust, jaw clenched and eyes guarded. Something in him still yearned, battling against the walls built around him. At last, Lloyd wordlessly moved over on the rock, leaving room for his uncle to sit. Wu smiled, his shoulders falling with sad relief. The headmaster slowly moved around the walk before lowering himself down beside Lloyd.

They simply sat in silence, watching as the fire faded away and the pink bled into blue. There was an unspoken truce, a simple "I'm sorry" hanging in their body language. It was returned with an "I know." The words acknowledged the issue, yet realizing it could not be solved yet. It was a step in the right direction, slow but promising. When both are willing to go down the same path, navigation is a whole lot easier.


Cole whistled cheerfully as he went down the stairs. Sure, the last few days had been tense with the group but there was something about this morning that lightened his spirits. It had been a while since Cole had felt this carefree, usually, it took scaling an entire mountain to get his mood up. Even when he did manage to hit that emotional bar it was soon drowned out by a pile of chores and an empty house.

Life had finally gifted him with a perfect day. One where he could laugh and spin like a little girl without worrying about anything. Sure, people would judge him for it (especially Kai) but if the moody brunette had a problem with twirling then he had another thing coming his way.

I have never felt better. Cole mused to himself as he waltzed down the hall. It's like the whole world is smiling. The birds are singing, the sun is shining-

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