~ Part 1~ | We Are All Together

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~ Part 1~ | We Are All Together

** Better Than Ever (MLP Equestrian Girls Rainbow Rocks)**

"There was a time we were apart
But that's behind us now
See how we've made a brand new start
And the future's lookin' up, ah-oh, ah-oh
And when you walk these halls
You feel it everywhere"

~ MLP Equestrian Girls Rainbow Rocks

This chapter is dedicated to --Look_Who_Stalkin--  Thank you for all your support! It has made my day just seeing all your encouraging responses to my announcements!

(comment or PM if you'd like a shoutout!)


"Here are the pictures from the site." A tan-coloured folder slid across the desk. A hand reached out and stopped it before it could go sliding off.

The woman took it, flipping through the images before setting it back on the surface of the table beside her laptop. "Thank you, Javier." She said quietly as she turned back to her work.

The man paused for a moment and leaned on the doorway, the old wood fell apart from his weight and he stumbled away when it crumbled off of the wall. The woman gave an amused smile but she kept her eyes on the screen. They occasionally flicked to her book as she ran a finger along each line, scanning it quickly.

Javier cough awkwardly and stepped away from the doorway to prevent any other hazards. He looked curiously at his coworker. She was always working late, in fact, he rarely ever saw her not working. The woman just seemed to throw herself into her books and never come out. But she looked more frazzled than usual, her eyes frantic and her hands fumbling with everything.

"Are you alright?" He asked in concern and tilted her head at her. "You seem a little...distracted today."

She chuckled. "I'm fine, J, really. Just some personal family issues. Nothing I can't handle." The woman paused her work and leaned back, light green eyes narrowing at him teasingly. "Don't you have something better to do than worry over an old woman? Why don't you take your sweet girlfriend out? What was her name? Rosie?"

Javier shook his head but grinned. "Okay, I get it." He backed out, pointing a finger at her. "But if you need anything just let me know!"

"I'll keep that in mind!" She called.

The sound of the door swinging closed was heard and her smile faded away. Her shoulders dropped and she leaned forward, pressing her hands to her temples with a sigh. After giving herself a shake she went back to her computer only for her work to thwarted once more by the ding of a message.

The woman let out a huff, the quick exhale making the grey hairs in front of her face flutter upwards. Reluctantly she clicked on her email in case it was anything important. But just like she suspected it was her coworker and friend, Janette. The curly-haired red-head loved a good dish of news and would spend a lot of her break times scrolling through social media and reading the newspaper. Often when she found something interesting she'd send it to the people she worked with.

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