~ Part 7~ | One Last Thing

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~ Part 7~ | One Last Thing

**  Lesson Number One (Mulan II)**

"One, alone is not enough
You need both together
Winter, summer
Moon and sun
Lesson number one"

~ Lesson Number One

This chapter is dedicated to IshukiM Thank you for voting and commenting! I appreciate it a lot! :) I loved your creative idea. ;)

(comment or PM if you'd like a shoutout!)

ALSO AHHH 2K Thank you!!!!


"Master Wu, I don't think you should be encouraging us to resort to violence." Jay said nervously as the headmaster strode in front of them.

Though Jay loved the old man and found his therapy lessons to be quite helpful they were also very concerning a lot of the time. This lesson wasn't any different.

"I am not encouraging you to resort to violence, simply demonstrating a few martial arts moves." The sensei said.

"I think this is going to be awesome." Kai chirped, a wild grin on his face. "Are we going to be doing this often?"

A bamboo staff bopped him in the head. "Learning these techniques come with respect and responsibility, Kai." Master Wu scolded.

Kai rubbed his head, but whispered to Nya. "We are definitely going to be doing this a lot."

She rolled her eyes and pushed him over.

"A good spinzjitzu master knows how to fight, defend, and protect." Wu explained, moving lithely into a series of kicks, punches, and other moves. "As well as knowing when to show restraint, mercy, and kindness." Slowly the actions became less about punching, blocking, and attacking but instead moving fluently with the air, avoiding blows, and letting it become more like a dance.

Cole chewed on his lip. "I don't know about this Master Wu... I'm not exactly coordinated when it comes to stuff like this."

"All I ask is that you try your best, Cole." Master Wu smiled at him, his eyes holding a hidden meaning. "I could never want anything more from you."

Cole felt a swell in his chest but he simply nodded curtly in reply. Dressed in their traditional gi's, the students all lined up outside, letting their bare feet sink into the earth.

"You recall our nature walk when you first came here?" Master Wu said. They all nodded. "Being one with the world is very important in spinjitzu, and in life in general, drawing energy from it naturally is how you find a special part of you can't find in the normal world."

Cole glanced at Jay questioningly, unsure what he was going on about. Jay looked confused as well, turning to Kai who wasn't really paying attention and instead was gazing into the small pond near them to look at his hair.

"Now lets go through a few moves." Master Wu demonstrated first, his feet dig into the ground, boy rotating as he moved his hands into a strike. The students tried to follow and Master Wu walked between them, correcting their form, praising them, or making odd comments.

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