~ Part 8~ | Lloyd Garfield

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~ Part 8~ | Lloyd Garfield

**  Naughty (Matilda)**

"Just because you find that life's not fair it
Doesn't mean that you just have to grin and bear it
If you always take it on the chin and wear it
Nothing will change
Even if you're little you can do a lot, you
Mustn't let a little thing like little stop you
If you sit around and let them get on top you
You might as well be saying you think that it's okay
And that's not right"

~ Matilda

This chapter is dedicated to @Lloyd_Needs_Therapy thanks for the votes and comments! I really appreciate it! <3

(comment or PM if you'd like a shoutout!)


"Pixal has arranged us an interview with Gayle Gossip on Friday..." Nya scribbled it onto the calendar she was filling in. Ever since they decided onto getting more into activism as she's been handling all the boring- sorry- important stuff that Kai refuses to do because he falls asleep whenever he works on scheduling.

"That's perfect." Jay handed her the purple pen as she colour coded the events.

"You know what I think is perfect?" Kai said from where he was sprawled on the furniture. He flipped over onto his belly and propped his chin on his hand. Legs moving back and forth like a gossiping teenage girl. "How long Zane and Pixal talked on the phone."

Zane gave him a glare and aggressively crossed out the event on Nya's list.

Cole brightened from where he had been ignoring all conversation and just snacking on trail mix. "How long?"

"Twenty minutes."

Cole gave a sly grin, punching Zane in the shoulder, who looked at him in bewilderment. "Wow, getting serious."

Jay and Nya snickered as Zane scowled and rubbed his shoulder. "We are not 'getting serious' we were simply arranging an interview."

Kai began humming Can You Feel The Love Tonight? making more giggles arise from the group.

"Maybe I won't make dinner tonight and simply have Cole create the meal instead."

A series of frantic objections followed along with an offended: "HEY!" from Cole.

There was a loud crash as Master Wu burst through the threshold. Jay had been sitting int the dangerous spot right behind the door and causing the headmaster to accidentally nail the boy with the wooden doors. Jay yelled out and Nya jumped to her feet to help the injured classmate.

"Holy crap, Master Wu." Kai sat up, giving the old man wide-eyes. "Are you okay?"

The old man rushed around, scrambling for his bamboo staff and woven hat. "Students, I'm going to have to leave for a bit."

"Now?" Nya's head whipped up. "Master, we need you here when the inspector comes today. Remember? I thought you said your schedule was free."

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