~ Part 10 ~ | Pride and Prejudice

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~ Part 10 ~ | Pride and Prejudice

** I Don't Know My Name (Grace VanderWaal)**

"I am lost, trying to get found
In an ocean of people
Please don't ask me any questions
There won't be a valid answer
I'll just say that"

~ Grace VanderWaal

This chapter is dedicated to Dee_Dee_Mclee . You haven't read this book but you let me squeal about it all I want, so thank you :)

(comment or PM if you'd like a shoutout!)


Breakfast was awkward to say the least.

Nya wasn't sure what else to do but eat her food as she watched Lloyd drown his pancakes in syrup. She caught Kai's eye and gave him a quizzical look. This is the criminal child he was so worried about?

The boy kept to himself throughout the day. Rarely raising his hand to ask questions or  to provide answers, mostly doing something else on the corner of his notes. The rest of the group wasn't sure what to do, they didn't exactly love the kid, yet so friendliness wasn't exactly happening. Though Jay did try when Lloyd dropped his pencil. Offering it with a smile and introducing himself. Lloyd just sort of stared at him, face pulled in confusion and shock.

The rest of the class held their breath as Jay's smile faltered and he just handed Lloyd the pencil before sinking down in his seat. Nya gave him a sympathetic look, hoping it showed her admiration for trying. Jay caught it and smiled back, sitting up once more and bending over his work. If Nya has been sitting beside him she would've seen the blush that formed on his cheeks.

The afternoon started and the students gathered outside to work on their spinjitzu again.

Nya strove for perfection. She wouldn't accept anything less from herself. So, when Wu wasn't totally satisfied with her moves, Nya made a personal goal to get it absolutely right.

She watched Wu carefully and begrudgingly observed Zane as well. She was doing it well. So why wasn't he pleased? Nya copied everything exactly, face set in determination as she worked through the fighting technique.

"Pair up and we'll all properly spar." Master Wu instructed.

"Do... we choose our pairs?" Jay asked hesitantly. He didn't want to shove anyone at Lloyd.

"Just go by roommates for now." Wu nodded.

They all paired off, Kai giving Lloyd the evil eye in warning. His glare screaming: if you hurt my sister I will END you.

Nya rolled her eyes and glanced at her opponent. The boy actually looked nervous.

"Don't worry about him." Nya tried to reassure Lloyd. "He thinks he has to protect me."

Wu signalled then to start and Nya took the first strike. She held back, thinking since Lloyd was slightly behind he wasn't very good. But to her surprise he stepped away with ease.

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