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Dearest Folks,

On this page, I would like to remind you that this is just a work of fiction— with a bit of original experience from the Author.

The idea, the story, all came from Author's head directly. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the Author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner if you don't find it in the real world.

Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and there's nothing intentionalexcept the original experience of mine.

Jika ada kesalahan dalam penulisan, kesalahan dalam penggunaan bahasa, atau jika ada kata-kata ataupun kalimat yang menyinggung, mohon untuk diberitahukan agar bisa saya perbaiki. With a humbly way I apologize if there are words that are offensive, or not in line with your principles.

The last, you may be bored or upset when you read this because this story is way far from a story that you think is good. Don't put your hopes too high for this story, but I'm sure among all of you there are some readers that my story is really looking for. 

Stay classy by being a wise reader ^^

Regards with love,


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