[9] Give the Contract back to Jennie

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Y/N was completely surrounded, leaving her with no room to escape. So, she calmed herself down and removed her sunglasses, revealing her bare face to the public,

Y/N: "If you want me to answer your questions, I can do that, but first, can I ask you few questions?"

Fan 27: "Go ahead"

Y/N: "You say you are my fans, so can you tell me, which year did I debut, which year did I receive my first award and what awards did I got till now?"

After hearing her questions, the anti-fans looked blankly at each other. How could they know this information about Y/N

Fan: "We...we are new fans. Regardless, you threw our gifts on the floor, so you are the wrong one." one of the fan responded from the crowd

Y/N: "Whether or not I threw the flowers on the floor, even if I can not explain, I'm sure the airport's cameras would have captured everything. And, I already apologized immediately after dropping them. I'm sure everyone heard." she spoke gently, not forceful at all, but straight to the point

This girl that was causing trouble definitely wasn't her fan. It was obvious she was the fan of Jennie who's name hung to her lips.

The fact that Y/N had already apologized and responded with a calm attitude, the majority of passersby were starting change their minds. They felt that Jennie's face had gone too far.

Fan 17: "Fine, it's true. I am also a fan of Jennie. We just feel you don't deserve to be compared to her. On top of everything, you even stole the contract, you should return it to her!"

After hearing, the anti-fan started to push Y/N, Y/N almost about to fell, Luckily...the bodyguards Taehyung sent arrived just in time, Squeezing through the crowd they hold onto her, They also started to separate the crowd from Y/N.

Rose couldn't hold in her anger anymore. She stood between the anti-fans and Y/N as she ordered Y/N.

Rose: "You go ahead first and wait for me, I'll be right there."

Fan: "Hmmph! If you don't give us an explanation today and don't return the contract back to Jennie, don't even think about boarding the plane." the anti-fans warned

Rose: "Do you really believe in Jennie's character that much?" she asked with a deeper meaning.

Fan 9: "It's definitely better than that of your cheap model's."

Rose: "These words, I've recorded it...When the time is right, I'll send you all a huge gift." She placed the phone to her head and called the police.

The police immediately arrived to escort Y/N away from the crowd with the help of Taehyung's bodyguards. Y/N quickly disappeared from the view of the public, but before the police left she whispered something to them.

 Y/N quickly disappeared from the view of the public, but before the police left she whispered something to them

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Rose: "Y/N, Jennie has made the news about you stealing her contract is on number one discussion." she looked at her phone as she spoke.

Y/N: "Then, what are you waiting for? Release the video..." she replied calmly.

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