[31] No Longer Retreating

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"Y/N, in a couple days, my friend will be holding a show. I want you to go do the opening; you've rested long enough. But, don't let anyone know about our contract just yet. I want to prepare a grand contract signing ceremony for you..."

"When that time comes, there will be a good show..."

"OK," Y/N nodded.

Y/N did not know what Lisa had planned, but she guessed it must have something to do with Momo and Jackson.

"After this incident, I will arrange the best manager for you, don't worry."

Y/N smiled through the entire conversation; she indeed needed a capable manager. However, Lisa insisted on keeping it a secret and did not organize for them to meet straight away nor did she give her a name.

In reality, Lisa had arranged for Y/N to appear in the show because firstly, she wanted to confirm Y/N's abilities and secondly, she wanted Momo to bring her newcomers so she could see how they didn't compare to Y/N.

Of course, her plan could not be known by Y/N nor Momo just yet.

She had spent so many years putting trust in Momo and Jackson. In the end, she had made them too courageous. Since this was the case, she was going to make them understand that by losing a model like Y/N they had thrown away all their luck.


The sun slowly set outsidethe floor-to-ceiling window...

While Momo was auditioning the newcomers, she couldn't avoid running into Jackson. Just as the work day was about to finish, Momo finally called Jackson over to have a chat in her office.

"Thank you for not letting President Lisa find out about the incident with Y/N."

"But, Y/N knows..." Jackson paused for a moment. He leaned against the office table and continued, "After standing in her way so many times, she will definitely plan something else; she's not the type to easily give up."

Momo thought carefully for a moment before looking seriously at Jackson, "As long as we work together Y/N won't get the chance to join this company. I can't deal with President Lisa on my own, I need your help. Can you still do what you used to do and help me out?"

"Me? Help you out? And watch as you kick me down?" Jackson responded coldly. His tone was filled with ridicule, "It's fine for you to forget that you've previously stabbed me in the back, but it is impossible for me to forget. I will never trust a word you say ever again."

Momo was stunned for a moment; she had words stuck in her throat that she couldn't say. In the end, she nodded her head in defeat as she adjusted her glasses, "Ever since President Lisa returned this afternoon, she's been locked up in her room talking on the phone. I heard from her secretary that she wants to bring Bam Bam back. In terms of abilities, you and I need to combine our powers to go against him. Although he stopped being a manager because of what happened all those years ago, it doesn't mean he is willing to just stand on the sidelines."

"Even if he comes back, he is useless!" Jackson wasn't concerned by Bam Bam at all. He was more interested in the results of today's auditions, "Did you find anyone good today?"

"There were a few."

"Then quickly train them up. We need to draw President Lisa's attention away from Y/N as soon as possible."

The two would have never imagined, in reality, Y/N had already signed on with YG Entertainment, and Lisa had personally brought the contract to her. Of course, Lisa was not going to let Y/N suffer; she had been a model before herself, so she knew at this point in her career, what Y/N needed the most and what she was missing.

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