[66] Who Does the Old Man Think he's Bullying?

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"The biggest possibility is to create a misunderstanding between Y/N and I. I never told them we had already gotten married, I guess they thought we were only 'preparing' to get married," Taehyung sneered. "I haven't even chased them up for what they did, yet they came to provoke me first. Interesting."

After the rumors got out, the entire production crew and cast looked at Y/N differently. They also started discussing about her in private.

"Tell me, how do you think Y/N can continue acting with all that's going on?"

"The entertainment industry has always been this realistic. People break up quicker than lightning. Now that President Kim is marrying someone else, doesn't that mean Y/N will return to nothing?"

"Shhh...Not so loud."

A few of the extras sat together and chatted, but they didn't realize, their voices were already really loud. Even Sehun, who wasn't sitting too far away overheard them. So, he sat beside Y/N and asked, "What's going on?"

"What do you mean?" Y/N asked back confusedly.

"The news about your breakup and President Kim marrying someone else," Sehun said straightforwardly. This was the first time, outside of acting, that he cared about someone else's personal life.

"It's just a rumor, we are fine," Y/N's response to the hot rumor was simple.

"Since that's the case, then don't let the rumors affect you. Focus on acting."

"Yes, Sehun!" Y/N replied in seriousness as she lifted her head. During this time, Sehun had practically become her acting teacher; he had truly taught her a lot.

"I'm going to go film my part now."

Y/N nodded her head. Regarding the rumors that were going around, she completely ignored them.

Although Naeun, who was following Y/N around, also felt angered by the rumors, she did not act impulsively like Rose. Instead, she logically analyzed the situation, "I feel that the person that started this rumor is a little stupid. Regardless of the fact that you and President Kim are already married, even if you weren't, according to how much President Kim cares about you, there's no way he'd give up on you for a business transaction."

"President Kim doesn't need to do such a thing!"

Y/N burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing about?"

"I'm laughing at the difference between you and Rose. If Rose was around, she would definitely scold the culprit a million times before she'd settle." Y/N closed up the script of 'Hidden Expert' and stood up before saying to Naeun, "It seems, the only reason she likes to eat, is so that she has the energy to scold people."


In conclusion, Y/N didn't seem the slightest bit affected even though the people around her looked at her sympathetically. Y/N simply couldn't be bothered to explain herself. Since they were about to announce their marriage, the truth was merely just around the corner.

But, once the rumor started spreading, it couldn't be stopped. In order to get first hand information, the reporters did all they could to force themselves onto the set of 'Stupid'. This ended up slowing down the progress of their filming.

Regarding this, Coque directly said to Y/N, "Since you've only got a few scenes to film, why don't you go home and rest for a few days. Once the rumors have dampened, you can come back on set."

Y/N nodded her head. She was actually thinking the same thing.

"I just saw Y/N leave. Doesn't she have a scene to film tonight?"

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