[71] The Release of 'Stupid'

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Her seriousness striked up the interest of Namjoon!

While Y/N acted with Namjoon, Naeun and Suzy stood to one side. Naeun glanced at Suzy and said, "Y/N is a really nice person, I hope you can take good care of her."

"Don't worry, I will." Suzy had a small stature with facial features that gave off the scholarly aura of a South Korean girl.

"You also need to take note of the things she dislikes!"

Suzy smiled, "To be honest Naeun, I'm quite envious of you."

"Envious of me? Why?" Naeun was confused. "You shouldn't be envious of me. The first half of my life was filled with suffering."

"Actually, I would have loved to be Namjoon's assistant..." Suzy said as she pointed to Namjoon with her chin. "But, he only wants you. You are the first assistant he's ever had. The only one."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, I once applied to be his assistant back when he was still in a small agency, but he said that he didn't require one. It's almost been 10 years since that time and he indeed has not had anyone by his side until now. You have been the only one," Suzy explained patiently.

"The only reason why I was asked to be Y/N's assistant is because Namjoon asked to take you from Y/N."

"Huh?" Naeun was shocked as Suzy finished talking.

This...was Suzy's way of getting revenge on Namjoon for disregarding her in the past.

Good luck, Namjoon! she thought


After the first scene finished filming, Namjoon's body was soaked in blood - real blood! The iron-like smell was beginning to make him feel sick, but his assistant was nowhere to be seen.

After covering Y/N with a light blanket, Suzy turned to Namjoon and said, "Naeun was saying she wanted to leave..."

"Leave? Why?" Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows questioningly.

"She found out that you tricked her into signing a contract," Suzy replied straightforwardly.

Y/N let out a laugh as she left with her assistant. Namjoon completely disregarded the blood on his body and immediately rushed over to the hotel to stop Naeun who was already dragging her luggage out the door, "Where are you going?"

"Home," Naeun replied angrily.

"You only signed your contact not long ago, how could you go home? You're not allowed..." Namjoon grabbed Naeun's luggage and dragged it back towards the set. But, because Naeun was in a rush and didn't zip her luggage up properly, it suddenly burst open and some​ of the contents came flying out. Worst of all, some of the undergarments she had packed neatly away, were now strewn across the floor...

Naeun's expression immediately changed. Meanwhile, a few members of the production crew held in their laughter as they looked at Namjoon's face. "Namjoon, you dropped your underwear," one of them pointed out.

Namjoon froze and took a quick glance at the production crew before bending over casually and picking the underwear off the floor. He then continued walking ahead...

Naeun's face was as red as a pork liver as she chased after him and yelled, "Namjoon, give me back my stuff!"

"I'll give it back to you if you don't leave!" Namjoon said as he held onto her underwear.

"Can you be anymore shameless?" Naeun asked as she grinded her teeth.

"I only want results. Shame? I don't know what that is..." Namjoon replied calmly. At this moment in time, his expression was exceptionally calm. His face did not blush, nor did his heart race with embarrassment, "Do you still want your heart-printed underwear back?"

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