Chapter 293 A Crushing End, Overwhelming Power

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The world seemed as if it was undergoing a terrible storm as clusters of earthen power gathered towards the mouth of the vicious Black Scaled Desert Lard King, it's eyes emanating a ruthless intent as a ball of earthen energy collected at an alarming rate.

Within the sand and earthen power clusters that blocked out most of the sky, both Myria and Leon could be noticed with their bodies erupting with their peak First Level True Foundation Realm energies.

Feng Yu, Dai Lin, Miren Fei, and the others watched this scene from afar with calm looks on their faces, but as for Squad Leader Tao and his men, they shivered due to the devastating scenes around them.

'It's using the fabled Earth Sand Breath, were finished if they can't prevent it!'

Squad Leader Tao thought as sweat rolled down his cheeks, he knew that so long as this party of strangers fell, their group would be finished. The merchants inside of his carriage trembled as they too knew this fact, which is why they stared at the scene with hopeful eyes.

As if it finally gathered up enough power, the eyes of the Black Scaled Desert Lard King flashed ruthlessly as its mouth opened wider before it blew out a savage breath of earthen power.

With the sound of its piercing roar, a giant blast of earthen power with clusters of sand that spiral around it beamed through the void towards both Myria and Leon; it occupied a space of a few dozen meters, blocking out all routes for escape.

Feng Yu narrowed his eyes as this; he knew that he would have to put in a good deal of effort to eradicate this attack. Dai Lin also made a stern look as he felt that he would end up in the losing position if he tried to block it unless he revealed all his cards.

Lang Kuang and the others watched in silence with their thoughts unknown but based on their appearance, they didn't seem to have a trace of panic towards the incoming disaster.

As if to prove them right, Myria's tiny body that shone with bright blue lights started to change as she pointed her wand towards the Black Scaled Desert Lard King's Earth Sand Breath, her eyes glowing in a cyan-blue light as much like the tip of her wand that glittered with magical power.

Suddenly, she opened her mouth and chanted as rather than her voice, an ancient voice resounded from the depths of the world.

"I am the mother of spring, keeper of the tides, call on my endless fury, and wash clean the earth's impurity - Aqua Tide!"

Following the resonant sound, a gush of water came from nothingness, forming a cyclone around Myria's form. This stream of endless waves swept towards the incoming Earth Sand Breath before colliding with it in mere moments.

Bang! The two attacks crashed into each other with full power, but unlike its overwhelming appearance, the Earth Sand Breath seemed to have met its nemesis as it began to whittle away due to the endless stream of waves the spiraled from the cyclone to counter its force.

With this collision, ripples of power scattered across the sky as bits of stray energy had evens started to fall towards the ground.

"Damn! Everyone, take evasive actions!" Squad Leader Tao shouted as he saw the many different blots of lights that fell downward.

He didn't even hesitate as he placed his right palm over his left hand's golden wristbands and spun them by sweeping his hand. In moments a series of thin threads unfurled from the wristbands as the cloth on his body started to flutter due to his Third Tier True Foundation realm energies.

"Slaughtering Thread Array!" Squad Leader Tao yelled as his sharped eyes glowed in a bright light, his arms now coated with his auras, which oddly enough, started to affect the many unfurling threads, forcing them to spread out across the area as if they had a mind of their own as they moved like rays of light.

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