Chapter one: Moving day

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My last class of the day just finished. The school bell just rang, signing that we can leave the building. It's Tuesday, almost the middle of the school week. Today I'm moving out. Not only from my school but also from my house. My mom has found a new boyfriend, again... She's a successful businesswoman but really terrible in choosing men. My dad left us when I was younger. I think he couldn't handle the success of my mom. Since then she has been dating but nothing really serious so far. Her relationships don't last for a long time. I've moved a multiple times but this is the first time that I'm also changing schools. I don't like it though... I'm leaving my best friend behind. I've known her for years now. I don't let many people in, that's why she's my only friend at the moment. I'm taking out my last textbooks, placing them in my bag. When I closed my locker I saw my best friend with pouting lips looking at me.

Rosé: "Y/N? Do you really need to go? Can't you just stay? It's so unfair that she's forcing you to move along with her."

You: "We know I will be back soon, give it a few weeks and I'm back again. It won't work out, it never does".

Rosé: "But this time she's also making you change schools. It's the middle of a school year. Doesn't she get how awkward that must be for you?"

You: "I don't want to go as well. But I'll be back before you know it."

Rosé knows how the situation is with my mom. She's always really busy, barely at home. And if I see her for a quick moment, she doesn't really pay attention to me. I've learned how to deal with it. It doesn't bother me that much as it did at the beginning. 

You: "I need to go now. My mom told me to hurry up, apparently we have a long drive ahead of us."

Rosé: "I'm going to miss you. Text me when you get there and call me from time to time."

You: "Of course! I'll text you. And I'll miss you too. But I'll be back before you know it."

We gave each other a last hug before we said goodbye. I made my way out of the school building, heading towards the parking lot. I immediately recognized the car of my mom. I opened the door, taking place on the seat next to her. 

Mom: "Hey darling, how was school?"

You: "Okay I guess. Are you sure that I can't stay here? I don't want to transfer right now."

Mom: "Our new home is three hours away from here, so a new school is necessary. I think your new stepbrothers would love to have you in their school."

Stepbrothers? What? She didn't mention them before. 

You: "Rewind that part mom... I have stepbrothers? How come you're only telling met this now?"

Mom: "I know that you're not good with new people. There's no turning back anyway. Please, be nice to them. I think I finally found the one for me."

This sentence sounds so familiar... I hear this all the time but at the end she end up being heart broken. It's not like I don't support her, but we've moved so many times. I don't believe there will be someone good enough out there for her. The whole ride we didn't really talked. The music played in the background while my mom was focusing herself on the road. I was playing a game on my phone. After a three hour ride we finally arrived at our destination. She parked in front of a really big house. I know her new boyfriend is also a business man. They met each other while they were working. I took my suitcase out of the trunk, I prepared it last night. I didn't brought a lot with me because I know for sure we're not staying for a very long time. 

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