Chapter thirty-four: Regaining memories

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???: "I guess I'm in charge today of looking after you, while the other are at school."

You: "Yoongi? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be going to school?"

Yoongi: "Why should I go, when you can use someone to take care of you?"

Yoongi walked over to the free side of my bed. . He pulled the sheets up, and got underneath them. 

You: "You should go to school. You're not sick and I'm good on my own."

Yoongi: "I'm sick. I think I 'coughs' I have a 'cough' cold. Must be from the school trip."

You: "I'm serious Yoongi. You can't stay at home just to take care of me, your education is important."

I laughed a little while saying that, hitting his head softly with one of the extra pillows. I know he's faking his bad health, he isn't sick at all.

Yoongi: "Well dad thinks I caught a cold. My brothers were less convinced though."

You: "If you told them this with those bad acting skills you just showed me, I wouldn't be convinced either."

Yoongi: "Just thank me already for staying here with you. I know you appreciate it."

You: "Thanks Yoongs, for staying here with me. I do appreciate it."

Yoongi: "Yoongs?"

You: "Can't I have a nickname for you?"

Yoongi: "You can... I like it when you call me Yoongs."

You: "Are you sure? Because I can always give you another nickname like your brothers do. What did they call you again? Grandpa, or lazy ass? Oh no! Little meow meow was the best nickname."

Yoongi: "Yah, don't call me that! I swear one day I will appear on the news, for killing my brothers."

You: "I was just teasing you. But I'll still warn the others, just in case."

We both laughed at my remark. Then there was a small silence between us.

Yoongi: "Are you hungry? Should I make breakfast?"

You: "Maybe later, I'm still tired."

Yoongi: "Let's sleep some more then."

You: "Are you going to sleep here?"

Yoongi: "Yes, I can always use some extra sleep."

I was laying on my back this whole time we had this conversation. I can tell that Yoongi is laying on his side, facing me. So I decided to turn around, to face him as well.

You: "Can I ask you something?"

Yoongi: "Sure..."

You: "Why is Jin so tensed around me? I mean so..."

I couldn't come up with a word to describe Jin's behavior. But Yoongi picked up where I struggled to finish my sentence.

Yoongi: "So worried? So overprotective?"

You: "You're all worried but Jin takes it to another level."

Yoongi: "The last time I've seen him like this, was when our mom was sick."

When Yoongi said that, a knot formed in my throat. It went dry in an instant. 

Yoongi: "He's just fixating that moment on you again I guess. He wants to take care of you... He feels responsible since he's the oldest, he feels the pressure. If he's being too much, then just tell him."

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