Chapter forty-five: A night with many turning points part 2

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Jaehyun: "Why don't we start over? You and me? Let's forget everything that happened before."

He looked straight into my eyes, meaning every word he said. I know I'm looking for a distraction but he can't be that. My heart is somewhere else now and that would be unfair towards him. Before neither of us could say something, I felt something around my shoulder, an arm. 

Lucas: "I finally found someone! Guys, this party is fantastic! Let's never leave!"

I saw Lucas standing in between me and Jaehyun. One arm was around my shoulder, the other one around Jaehyun's shoulder. Lucas was unaware of the moment he just interrupted, almost like it was a sign from heaven that his conversation couldn't continue. Then I noticed the state Lucas was currently in. He was totally wasted, he could barely keep his eyes open. 

Jaehyun: "Where were you at? We almost thought you had left without telling anyone."

Lucas: "Leaving this party before it's over? Are you kidding me? I wouldn't miss even a minute of it! I'm having a blast!"

You: "He's totally wasted..."

Jaehyun: "Why don't you sit down here Lucas? I'll order you a glass of water. Maybe you should sober up a bit..."

Lucas: "I'm sober, don't you see? No water, I want another beer."

Jaehyun got up, assisting Lucas on the chair he just sat on. Lucas was out of it, the alchohol having the upper hand of him. His reaction was slowed down and his eyes were barely open. 

You: "He really needs his bed... Look at him, give him a few minutes and he'll pass out here."

I said to Jaehyun, Lucas didn't seem to hear me. He was too busy trying to call over one of the waitresses here. He's desperate for another beer.

Jaehyun: "I agree... Lucas did you drive here tonight?"

Lucas: "No, Taeyong gave me a ride. Where are the others? We should all go to the dance floor!"

Jaehyun: "He really needs to head home. I'm not sure if he can take more..."

You: "Should we call Taeyong to bring you home?"

Jaehyun: "No need... I'll bring him home. I wasn't planning on staying much longer."

You: "Are you sure? Aren't you enjoying the party?"

Jaehyun: "I am, believe me. I'm just tired, that's all. Want a ride home as well?"

You: "Thanks for the offer, but I'm staying here though. Don't worry about me. I'll get home."

Jaehyun: "I can also come back if you'd like, after I drop Lucas home. I just want to make sure you get home safely."

You: "My mom will pick me up when I call her. It's really fine. Bring Lucas home now, before you have to carry him to your car."

Jaehyun nodded to my answer. Lucas was still trying to catch the attention of a waitress, but he failed. Jaehyun came closer to me and gave me a quick hug and a peck on my cheek.  

Jaehyun: "That talk we had before Lucas interrupted us..."

You: "We'll talk about it another time."

Jaehyun: "You promise? A serious conversation?"

You: "I promise..."

Jaehyun nodded again silently, content with the answer he received from me. Then he turned his attention to Lucas. He could eventually convince Lucas to go outside for some fresh air, it was only a trap to get him to his car. They both left me alone there at the bar. My thoughts went back to where Eunbin might be. 

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