Chapter 74

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Tom woke up to a golden light filling his room. The sun was setting in the distance and Tom's hair was a mess. He slowly pushed himself off the bed, practically face planting on the floor. Tom then got up and his attention was drawn to the small package that had been long forgotten about. It had red wrapping with a blue ribbon, and a small card was taped to the top.

Tom made his way to the box and carefully picked it up. It wasn't fragile, but he'd rather be safe than sorry. Tom then placed it in his hoodie pocket and made his way out the door. Mrs. Laila was who knows where, most likely napping in her room. Tom made his way down the familiar path to Tord's house.

The sun was almost completely set when he made it to the house. He knocked anyway, and a sad looking Trisha opened the door.

"Yes dear?"
"Are you okay ma'am?"

"Just getting through some stuff. I'm going to assume you are here for Tord."

"Your assumption is correct. Is it okay if I see him?"

Trisha gave a delicate nod and moved out of the door frame. Tom moved into the house and placed his shoes by the door before making his way up to his boyfriend's room. When Tom enetered he noticed Tord sitting on his bed. A piece of paper was held tightly in the boy's hands, and there was a slight tremor moving through his body. He sat next to Tord and grabbed one of the other boy's hands.

Tord's hand was limp. His eyes seemed empty, the grey more blank than dreamy. Tom squeezed his boyfriend's hand.

"Babe, what's going through that mind of yours?"

Tord gave Tom a quick glance before returning his gaze to the letter.

"Commie please. Let me try to help."

"You can't help." Tord pulled his hand away from Tom's. And Tom missed the warmth. But he rather recoiled and scooted slightly away from Tord.

"You don't know that."

"I do. Go away Tom. You aren't useful or wanted here." Tom felt something break in his chest, and an ache overcame it.

"Tord you don't mean that."

"I wouldn't say that if I didn't. Now get out."

Tom felt scared for a moment. His boyfriend's eyes matched the look of Tord's father, and it was unsettling.

"You know what, fine. Here."

Tom threw the package towards Tord, and left. His eyes felt wet but he paid no mind.

"Don't talk to me again until you aren't being a dick."

Tom then rushed down the stairs and shoved his feet into his shoes.

"Have a nice evening, ma'am."

Tom gave a curt wave before flinging himself out the door of their house. He found himself sprinting to an unknown location, and finally the tears spilled out of the corners of his eyes. He could hear the pounding of his feet in his head. Fuck this. He needed to get away. If only for a moment. And his first instinct was to get Smirnoff. He needed the comforting burn. But Tom could already see his Granny's look of disapproval, and rather continued running.

Eventually his whole body was heaving for air. He looked like a fish out of water. Tom was forced to stop, and collapsed on the grass by the sidewalk. He was a mess. 

A Song of Two Hearts [A TomTord Highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now