Chapter 100

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Before Tom went to bed Tord told him they had a week left at the base. And even though his boyfriend didn't feel happy Tom was having a relatively good time. Tom had suddenly found a place with a male who cared for him, not romantically but as a father. And he greatly appreciated that. Tom felt like he belonged here. Zero took care of him and adapted him to the life of a soldier. And although there were unsatisfactory people here he could always take out his anger on simulations.

But Tord wasn't happy, and that mattered a lot to him. Tord was the first person to give him a chance at a happy life. He helped pull him out of the darkness, and since then Tom had met people that supported him at home. So the question eating at his mind was where was better for him, and why did Tord hate this place so much? He had a resolve to find it out.

When Tom woke up the next day he discovered his boyfriend at the closet of the room. He was already packing to leave.

"Babe, we still have 6 days left."

"I'm just excited to leave."


Tord let out a soft laugh, at first expecting it to be a joke. But when he turned and saw Tom's eyes he noticed it wasn't a joke.

"Because my father is a horrible, disgusting person. The majority of the soldiers are like robots."

"Your father isn't horrible!"

"He is. You have no idea how bad he is, do you?"
"He's fine. He gave me chances I've never had before."

"He's using you! Just like he used my mom, and just like he's using me!"

"W-what do you mean?"

Tord broke down a tad while telling the story his mom had told him. There were tears that stuck on the corner of his eyes and Tom slowly grew angry, sad, and lost. He was suddenly sick by the fact that he had respected the red leader. It was so unsettling for him that he had felt so safe with such a horrible man. Tom apologized for his ignorance to Tord, and left their room to take a break. He then left to beat up some simulations.

Zero had found the boy a couple hours into his rampage. And she wasn't gonna stop him, he clearly needed time to diffuse. So instead Zero had run into the control room and gave better simulations that would test his weaknesses. Her close presence comforted Tom as he continued to pound away at imaginary things. And bitterly he thought that the simulations he was crushing were as real as his chance at a normal life.

He hated himself for placing too much trust in a man that deserved none. He had hurt Tord, hurt Tord's mother. That was unacceptable, and Tom's ignorance guided him to a personal hell. Though deep down he still missed the smile of the red leader, congratulating him on the progress he made in fighting. And Tom had never felt so torn, so gross, so disgusting.

He pushed his need for a father out of his mind, trying to remember that he would never have one. It was a delusion, and one he best forget. He finally came to a resolve. And he did the one thing he wanted to do least at the moment. Tom was going to see the man that gave him false hope and see where it takes him. Because he needed to burn some bridges before him and his boyfriend headed home.

Home. He had almost forgotten about that place. Although he got a text everyday from his Granny he still found himself forgetting her voice, her teasing tone, her smile. He couldn't recall Adam's hair style, or Sherlie's tone over the phone. And worst of all the memory of Matt and Edd were faded. The homesickness struck him deeply as he realized everything he had forgotten, and everything he planned to return to.

When Tom entered the hospital room he noticed a man standing in the corner. Nobody was in the bed, and Tom quickly realised that this was the sickly man he had seen almost every day.

"Ah, my favorite soldier. How was the training."

There was a sturdy pause before his response.

"I'm leaving. For good. This is my final goodbye."

Tord's father whipped around, pure rage flowing through his eyes. His shoulders seemed to rise, drawing into an intimidating disposition.

"Say that again." It was a dare, a threat. And Tom didn't care.

"You are a horrible person. Your army is empty. It's full of hopeless people lost in ranks. Lost in your power. I'm leaving."

Tom felt a dinner tray whip past his head, nearly missing his ear. Though he didn't flinch. He had Zero to thank for that.

"I brought you in. I trained you. I fed you. I let you near my son. And you are leaving? No. I won't allow it."

"Tord isn't a son to you. He's an object! Something to fill in when you die. He deserves better than you."

This time a book came in front of his head at quick speeds, and Tom barely used his arm to deflect it. That would leave a bruise. The man's eyes reminded Tom of Mr. Seas, and he was honestly petrified. This was a man with actual training, with a clear mental illness, and a man who intended to hurt him. Tom's point had been made and he needed to get out. Fast. 

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