Chapter 84

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Tom poked the dead body with his foot. "What happened?"
"She tried to kill me. Same old, same old."

"Did you really have to kill her?"



The boys sat in silence, Tord looking at the bloody floor and Tom looking at Tord. Until a soldier burst in through the doors. The soldier asked the two males to leave, and started to tend to the blood on the floor.

Tom took Tord's hand in his as they walked through the base.

"Babe, I got an idea."

"What is it Tom?"

"Can you meet me on the hill just outside the base. Please."

"I'll be back in a bit. Love you!"

Tom then rushed off and headed to the kitchen where the army's food was made. He went through the cabinets, looking for a familiar glass bottle. Eventually he finally found it. The smirnoff shone through the glass and he hummed in excitement. He then threw together some sandwiches since it was close to lunch time.

Tom walked towards the exit to the base, and easily made it through. He then scanned for Tord's figure among the grass. Eventually he found it. Tord's hair was bouncing softly in the wind, and his eyes were closed peacefully, enjoying the silence. Tom sat down next to him and set down the food and alcohol.

"You're back!"

"Yup. And look what I got us." Tom slid the bottle and sandwiches over to Tord. He then cheered happily,"Alcohol!"

"But we are underage?"

"That never stopped us from going to the gun range. Live a little babe."

Tord eventually gave a small nod and bit into his sandwich. Tom quickly opened the bottle and took a swig. The burn felt familiar and safe. And with Tord by him, his heat radiating into Tom's skin he had never felt so comfortable. Eventually he eased into Tord, resting his head on Tord's legs. His cheeks were flushed from the alcohol and he felt warm. Tord slowly took the bottle and gave it a swig. His face distorted.

"That is disgusting."

"More for me then."

Tom took the bottle back and rested it on the ground. Eventually Tord's hands wandered to Tom's hair and started to play with it. And Tom almost fell asleep. The sun was slowly descending in the distance, and Tom couldn't help but admire it.

"Only one thing rivals this view." His voice was thick and raspy from the alcohol.

"And what is that."

Tom gave a quick wink his boyfriend's way. "You."

Tord blushed and softly pushed Tom's head. "Stop itt."

"You know you love it."

Tord and Tom looked into each other's eyes. The pink of the sky bounced off the small orbs, and Tom slowly sat up, one hand resting on Tord's face. He placed his head against Tord's.

"I love you."
"I love you too."

Tom felt his lips gravitating towards Tord, and he slowly moved so Tord could stop him at anytime. Though Tord gave no resistance. Tom was close enough to feel Tord's warm breath.

And then a voice screeched over the hills.

"Sir! Your father wishes to see you!"

Tord jolted away from Tom. And Tom hated the absence of warmth. Tord then quickly got up and brushed off the grass from his legs.

"You are dismissed, soldier."

The man nodded in the distance and entered the large gate in the distance. Tom sighed, and got up. He picked up the near empty bottle and threw it in his hoodie pocket. He then proceeded to walk next to the now anxious Tord. They were silent.

The room was dimly lit and all Tom could see was a small girl next to the large figure of Tord's father. The girl had ginger pink hair and green eyes. And he felt something sinister about her. She was eyeing Tord like a piece of candy. He really wanted to kill her.

"Yes, Father?"

"Take a seat Tord. Edgegood you are dismissed."

Tom was about to argue but decided against it with the desperate look in Tord's eyes. So he left the room, and sat close to the door to listen in.

"This is Anastasia, she is a stunning soldier with overwhelming combat skills."

"I mean no disrespect Father, sir. But what does this have to do with anything?"

"You need to start thinking about an heir to the army. When you die it needs a leader. And it must be of blood."

"Pardon me?"

"Son, I'm telling you Anastasia here is a good option as your wife."

"Father. I think this is an inappropriate conversation."

"Are you doubting my decision making."

"Of course not Father. But-"

"Then stop mouthing off. This girl is a good chance for the army's future. You will go on a date with her, and you will be polite. If this girl reports any misbehavior you will be punished. I may be sick but my authority still exists."

Tom was clenching his fists behind the door. He wanted to cry, to yell, to scream. The love of his life was being forced away from him. And he fucking hated it. He needed to destroy this girl and Tord's father. Otherwise the future he dreamed of would only stay as a dream.

Tom felt his stomach twist, he couldn't listen anymore. So he ran away from the building. His eyes were hazy and he was pissed. Utterly pissed. His hands were shaking with rage, and he needed to break something. Or drink. Or both. He preferred both.

He made it to the simulation room before bursting into tears. This was the place he was most familiar with other than Tord's room. He walked up the stairs his boyfriend had, and entered a room full of computers and monitors. It was rather intuitive, and he initiated the combat level regardless of the tears blurring his vision. He then ran into the main room and picked up a sword. His other hand gravitated towards the bottle in his pocket, and he opened it with a single hand. He then forced the liquid to rapidly descend into his throat. The burn was intense, and his throat was raw from both the crying and alcohol.

Orange beasts raged at him, all surrounding him and moving in a flurry of lights. Everything was a blur, but he rampaged anyway. His sword tore through the flesh of beasts, and they disappeared pixel after pixel. His body was covered in sweat and his hair was a mess. Eventually he had torn off his hoodie, leaving it in a sad heap on the floor as to not overheat.

The bottle became empty quickly, and he threw it into a far wall to get it out of the way. With the free hand he focused solely on fighting, trying to let his mind slip from his despair.


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